Sub-Account Maintenance

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Sub-Account Maintenance


To enter a new Sub-Account select "Add" in Sub-Account Maintenance.


The Sub-Table that will contain the Sub-Account


Enter the Sub-Account's 6-10 character (default) alphanumeric code.

To change the character code length, select the option in Company Maintenance.

Also see our Training Video General Ledger/Sub-Account/Mass Changing Sub-Account Codes.

The following 7 characters are invalid ' * / ? ; ( )


Only enter in one name. If 2 names are on the account, use the NAME #2 field. Do not use any punctuation or abbreviate the first word of a company’s name. Not only is punctuation discouraged at the post office, it is typically not allowed on the 1099 or Unclaimed Property files.

On internal reports, names will print as they are entered into the Name field. For this reason, you may want to consider entering in the name using the LastName*FirstName method. The name field can be up to 40 characters long. However, some reports have limited space and cannot print the entire 40 character name. In those cases, the name would be cut off. If the name has been entered in using the previously mentioned method, then at least the last name would show on the report.  

When using: LastName*FirstName*Suffix

Any prefix/title or middle name should be entered as part of the first name

The Suffix is optional

When printing items going to the individual, the names will get “normalized”. The asterisks will be removed and the names will be put in correct order. However, on any internal reports the name will show as it is entered.

Example: Sir John Z Doe Jr would be entered as Doe*Sir John Z*Jr

Note: See Special Considerations for Escheat for more information on setting up names.

Name #2

The Name #2 field does not have to be populated. This field should only list out a second name or an additional owner, as applicable. If not needed for an additional name, leave it blank. This is especially important for the 1099 and Unclaimed Property processes which need to list additional owners separately. Do not use the “*” in Name #2 as suggested for the Name field.

Use the wording "or/and/&" at the end of the Name field or the beginning of Name #2 field for Pak Accounting to identify two separate individuals. Otherwise, Pak Accounting will assume that it is a continuation of the Name field.

Example:      John Doe                    Doe*Barney             William Doe &                      
                     and Jane Doe             or Beth Doe             Wilma Doe        

Using any form of “Account of” in either the end of the Name field or the beginning of the Name #2 field will cause the Name and Name 2 fields to flip within the 1099 and Unclaimed Property processes.

Example:        City Bank Acct of        City Bank Acct        City Bank Account of
 John Doe        of John Doe        John Doe

Will Print as:
John Doe
City Bank


The address fields can be up to 40 characters long; however, the United State Postal Service (USPS) recommends a maximum of 30 characters.

Based off the Postal Services rules, here are some recommendations from Pak Accounting:

Do not use periods.

If using the # sign, there must be a space between the sign and the following number. Example: 425 Flower Blvd # 72

If lines are not needed, don’t use them. If these lines are blank they will be omitted when printing.

For example: if you have an items such as STE 400, put that in Address Line 1 and do not put on a separate line.

If dual addresses are used, place the intended deliver address on the line immediately above the city, state, and Zip. Normally, this is the Post Office Box address. The other address must be placed on a separate line above the Delivery Address Line.

The Attention Line is place above the Recipient Line, that is, above the name of the firm to which the mail piece is directed.

Example: Attn John Doe

ABC Company

1401 Main St

Abilene, TX 79602

Military Addresses:

military address

Common abbreviations from USPS Pub 28

Address Abbrv

Also see: Entering International Addresses


Region can be used for location, area, region, etc. This will allow users to setup Financial Groups by this field. This field looks at the Region Sub-Table found in General Ledger - Master File Maintenance - Company Maintenance - Company - Financial Reporting tab - Advanced tab - Region Sub-Table field.

View Change History button

Shows changes made to the owner's Sub-Account Maintenance.  

Print W-9 Letter button      

Clicking on this box will print a W-9 letter a cover letter to the printer or to a PDF file. See Sub-Table Maintenance on how to add notes to the cover letter. Box 7 of the W-9 will populate with the Company Code, Owner Sub-Table, AR account number, and Sub-Account code to help you easily identify upon return.


If you add City, State, and Zip on Address line 2 instead of in proper fields the A/R statement will print USA.

The system will not allow the possibility of the Master Record to be deleted if documents are associated with it. The record can be made inactive on the Active Dates tab. In addition, If a Sub-Account has prior activity (transactions). Pak Accounting will prevent the deletion of the Sub-Account. The system will provide a warning that transactions exist and must be recoded to delete the Account or that the Sub-Account can be made inactive.


       hmtoggle_plus1  Special Considerations for Escheat


See A/P Options Tab


See A/P Coding Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Insurance Tab


See A/R Options Tab


hmtoggle_plus1ACH Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Contact Info Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Groups Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Active Dates Tab


See Revenue/Billing Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Notes Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Documents Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Fees Tab


List See: Listing and Labels, Sub-Account Views


Also See: Sub-Account Utilities and Owner Maintenance.