Group Maintenance

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Group Maintenance

Adding a Group


To set up a new group in the system, first go to Sub-Account Maintenance [F12] and click Add from the bottom of the screen.  Groups are defined in Sub-Account Maintenance using Sub-Table 200.  After you type 200 into the Sub-Table field, a slight restructuring of the Sub-Account Maintenance screen will occur. Each group must be assigned a unique Sub-Account. Also enter a numeric Group Level.  After the group's name and level are entered into the Sub-Table 200, save the group.  Now, on the Groups tab, the Group Definition Maintenance button is visible.


NOTE:  When adding a new Group, the Group Level is automatically defaulted to level 5.


After the group's name and level are entered, press [F10] to save the new group, then click on the Group Definition Maintenance button on the Groups tab in the bottom right corner of the screen.  A new screen opens: Reporting Group Definition Maintenance.

financial groups tab


group maint


1.The Type sections will determine how you will pull in your Sub-Accounts. Range is typically the easiest and what we will discuss. There is more information on the other options at the end of this doc and in the Help menu.

2.Select the Sub-Table and Sub-Accounts. The Financial Group option was designed to work primarily with the Lease Sub-Table. It can be used with other Sub-Tables; however, you will notice there are not as many filtering options.  The available filters are: State, County, and Region. All of which can be setup on the Sub-Account Maintenance for the individual Sub-Accounts.

3.The Restrict To section will allow for other filters. These fields can be found in Property Maintenance.

4.The Automatically create… section will sort the data. These fields can also be found in Property Maintenance.

5.The right-hand section will show the items pulled in per the filter and sort options. You typically will need to click on the “+” button next to the item to expand the list. Or, click on the Expand Groups or Expand All button at the top.

In the example above, all the leases will be sorted in State order. I selected Type: Range, used my Property Sub-Table and left the Sub-Accounts wide open to include them all. I didn’t add any filters and selected State as a Sub-Group. Notice, this will group my Sub-Accounts by state on the right-hand side. Any leases that don’t have a state defined will show at the top under a blank field.


hmtoggle_plus1Type section overview


hmtoggle_plus1Restrict To section overview


hmtoggle_plus1Automatically Create Sub Groups By section overview


hmtoggle_plus1Explanation of Group Level Hierarchy



Changing a Group (via Sub-Table 200)


If a group's definition(s) are to be changed or a new definition added, you will need to first pull up the group via Sub-Account maintenance (Sub-Table 200, Sub-Account is the Group Code).  This can be done by using the Find, Next, Previous options or immediately after adding the Sub-Account.  With the group being displayed on the Sub-Account maintenance screen, select the Group maintenance option.  This will allow you to perform maintenance (add, change, delete, etc) on any of the definition types for this group.


Adding a Sub-Account (property) to an existing group


After a new property (Sub-Account) is added, it will either be automatically associated with one or more groups (if the groups are defined with ranges and/or wildcards) or it will need to be manually associated with the proper group(s).  If it is to be manually associated with a group, select the Group Maintenance option immediately after the new Sub-Account is added (i.e. the new Sub-Account is still on the screen).  Then select the "Add To Group" option.  The system will then prompt you for the group you wish this Sub-Account to be added.  A pop-up window is available via the "?/" key if you are unsure of the exact group code.  The “Add to Group” option can be performed multiple times for the Sub-Account if it is to belong to more than one group.  


If you want to see which groups this Sub-Account is already a direct member the Group tab will list all of the groups that the Sub-Account is a direct member of (i.e. individual definition, wildcard or range).  The list will not include any indirect memberships (groups of groups).


Group List Options


There are two different types of group listings.   Groups for a Sub-Account will list each Sub-Account in a specified Sub-Table and Sub-Account range.  Under each Sub-Account, the system will list the group or groups that this Sub-Account is a direct member of.  For each of these group(s): it will list by which definition it qualifies for, the group name, the group level, and the inactive date of the group.


The second type of listing is by Groups.  The Group Definitions listing will list each group in the specified range.  Under each group, the system will list each definition that is used to define the group's membership.


Also see:

Group Utilities

Financial Summary Groups for description of groups

Printing Reports for a Group

Financial Group - Account Option

Financial Group - Lease Filter

Groups within Groups