Sub-Account Listing

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Sub-Account Listing

Printing a Listing of Sub-Accounts

To print a List of Sub-Accounts click on List button at the bottom of the screen and select Sub-Account Listing. The listing can be formatted with many different options to include running the listing by country, Invoice Email Status (Include All, Has Invoice Email Address, No Invoice E-mail Address), and contact Selection Status. If you are scanning documents, there is also the option to list only those Sub-Accounts with/without documents associated with them. It is advisable to review all options to ensure that your listing meets the desired requirements.


TIP: The Invoice Email Status can be found on the Contact Info tab in Sub-Account Maintenance.


Additional options are found on the Print Options tab to include Sort List options, Print Address and Print Other Info.


NOTE: When using the Print Other Info/Tax ID option: If using the Print option the actual Tax ID numbers will show. If using the Save option you will only see "Has One" or "Blank" for the Tax ID.


The Notes tab allows for Notes Receivable information to be printed by created date.