DOI/Owner/Property Tab

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DOI/Owner/Property Tab

Owner Maintenance (F12) - Link to the Owner Maintenance in order to add a new owner, change an owner's address, view Payment/Billing history, view owner's suspense, add State/Federal withholding, and change owner statement options.


Owner Maintenance [F12]

Use this button to complete most of the tasks below. This button is a quick way to access the Owner Maintenance screen. Also see Sub-Account Maintenance for general setup.

Add New Owner

Use the "Owner Maintenance [F12]" button to access the owner maintenance screen. Click on "Add" to have the ability to add a new owner.

Change Owner's Address

Use the "Owner Maintenance [F12]" button to access the owner maintenance screen. click on "Change" to edit the address.

View payment/billing history

Click on the underlined words, "payment/billing history", to quickly access the Pmt/Billing History information located in the owner maintenance.

View Owner's Suspense

Click on the underlined words, "owner's suspense," to quickly access the Suspense Maintenance screen located on the owner maintenance.

Add State/Federal Withholding

Use the "Owner Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the owner maintenance screen. Click on the "Withholding: [Edit]" button to access a list of Federal and State Withholding Codes.

Change Owner Statement Options

Use the "Owner Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the owner maintenance screen in order to edit the options for the owner statement.

Add to project reporting (with project reporting module)

If authorized for the project reporting module, use the "Owner Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the owner maintenance screen/project reporting tab to make changes that affect project reporting,

Create notes per owner

Use the  "Owner Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the owner maintenance screen in order to add notes for owners on the Notes tab.

Scan documents for a quick reference per owner (with scanning module)

If authorized for the scanning module,  use the "Owner Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the owner maintenance screen/Documents tab in order to add documents for a particular owner.



DOI Maintenance (F3) - Link to the DOI Maintenance in order to add/edit a DOI, change an owner's suspense code, and add new owners to the DOI.

Division of Interest

DOI Maintenance [F3]

Use this button to complete most of the tasks below. This button is a quick way to access the DOI Maintenance screen.

Add/Edit DOI. Mass Copy utility

Click on the underlined words, "Mass Copy", in order to quickly access the Mass Copy  screen to have the ability to copy from one DOI to another.

Change suspense code

Use the"DOI Maintenance [F3]"  button to quickly access the DOI Maintenance in order to edit a DOI. Click on the "Chg DOI" button in order to be able to edit the Suspense Code field.

Add new owner to DOI

Use the"DOI Maintenance [F3]"  button to quickly access the DOI Maintenance screen in order to add a new owner. Click on the "Chg DOI" button to edit a selected DOI.

Change interest for one property/deck. Mass Change DOI Utility

Click on the underlined words, "Mass Change DOI Utility", in order to quickly access the Division of Interest Mass Change screen. This utility allows for interests to be changed for an owner by property/deck.

Combine Like Interest

Click on the underlined words, "Combine Like Interest", in order to quickly access the Combine Owner Utility. This utility provides the ability to combine owners with multiple interests in the same property/deck of the same type together. Example: Within a Property/Deck, if an owner has both a W1 and W2 interest types, then check to make sure both have exactly everything else the same  (except for PctInterest and BillingPct). Also check to make sure owner does NOT have any suspense with that Owner, Property, Deck, Interest Type combination.  Combine (add 2 pairs of pcts together)  into the lowest of the two sequence # 's; if the zero seq # doesn't exist for that type of interest, then change the seq to 0 on those that are combined (i.e. if owner has W1 and W2 and doesn't have a W0, then Combine W2 into W1, then rename W1 into W0.)

Mass Delete

Click on the underlined words, "Mass Delete", to quickly access the Division of Interest Mass Delete utility. This utility provides the ability to delete DOI's for a property or a range of properties with the ability to restrict to a selected deck or range of decks.

Remove Date Sensitive Owners Utility

Click on the underlined words, "Remove Date Sensitive Owners Utility", to quickly access this screen. This utility removes date sensitive owners from the DOI while keeping the most current owners only.

Mass Suspense Code Change

This utility allows for suspense codes on DOI's to be changed  as well as suspense records. This tool can be used for setting up a new suspense code and then mass changing all owner's DOI/Suspense. For example, if there are owners that need to be in a non-escheatable suspense code this utility can be used as long as the suspense code is set up prior. See Mass Suspense Code Change Utility for further information.



Property Maintenance (F12) - Link to the Property Maintenance in order to add new properties, change the operator for a property, make a property inactive, add severance tax codes to a property, and review purchaser information.


Property Maintenance [F12]

Use this button to complete most of the tasks below. This button is a quick way to access the Property Maintenance screen.

Add new property

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen. Click on "Add" to add a new property.

Change operator for property

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/General tab in order to edit the operator for a particular property.

Make property inactive on company options tab

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Company Options tab. Add a date to the 'Property Inactive Date" field.

Add severance tax to property

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Severance tab to add severance tax to a particular property.

Review purchase information as a quick reference

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Purchasers tab to see purchaser information.

Add legal description

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Other tab. A legal description can be entered in the applicable field in the middle of the screen.

Add notes

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Notes tab to enter notes for a particular property.

Deck: view and/or make inactive

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/DOI tab in order to make a particular deck inactive. Unselect the "Active" box for the appropriate deck.

Add property to reporting groups

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Groups tab. This tab lists the groups that the property belongs to for reporting purposes. Additionally, the property can be added or deleted from a group if necessary.

Run project list (with project reporting module)

Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Project Notes tab. This is an add-on to the Revenue/Billing module. Project notes can be viewed, printed, or emailed from this screen.

Scan documents for reference to property (with scanning module)

Scanning is an add-on module. If authorized for scanning, Use the "Property Maintenance [F12]" button to quickly access the property maintenance screen/Docs tab to add documents to a selected property.