Summary Tab

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Summary Tab

RB Summary tab

1.If the owner has the same TaxID as another owner then a message will show at the top of the Summary Screen. Use the Duplicate Tax ID Rpt button to the right to print a report, it will default to the current owner you are on for you. If there is no duplicate the button will not show.

2.Will show the last 2 checks for this owner, displays if the check has been cleared, voided or is still outstanding. Use the Pmt/Billing History button to the right for more extensive information.

3.Will show owner’s Minimum payment amount option from the General tab.

If the owner has a minimum payment code that indicates the owner’s suspense was sent to the state (Unclaimed Property/Escheat) then this will be indicated. Use the Sent to State/Unclaimed button on the right for more information, it will default to the current owner you are on for you will all of applicable settings. If this owner has not been escheated, this button will not show.

4.Shows the owner’s netting and payment options set on the General tab.

5.Shows all AR accounts as defined in the AR range, including current suspense balances and AR balances. Use the Suspense Maint button to the right to print an extensive detailed report, it will default to the current owner you are on for you will all of applicable settings.

6.Shows active DOI(s) for the owner and the current Pay/Legal status. Use the DOI List/Edit button on the right for more extensive information, it will default to the current owner you are on for you will all of applicable settings.

7.Shows the last 2 Changes for this owner. Use the View Change History to show changes made to the owner's Sub-Account maintenance for the full time frame the owner is considered active.

8.Shows company options that affect Netting and Payments. These can also be found in Revenue Billing/Company Maintenance/90 Company/Pty Susp Net tab and Partnerships Tab.

9.Company DOI List: Will only be visible if licensed for Consolidation.

10.DOI Chg Log: Use the DOI Change Log button to see any changes for this owner, it will default to the current owner you are on for you will all of applicable settings.

11.Suspense Chg Log: Use the Suspense Change Log button to see any changes for this owner, it will default to the current owner you are on for you will all of applicable settings.

12.Extra Owner Info and Division Orders: Used with the Division Order Process.

13.Print/Email: create a printable view of the Summary that can be printed or emailed.


Pmt/Billing History


DOI List/Edit


Company DOI List