Settlement Statement

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Settlement Statement

A Settlement Statement accompanies each owner's detail. Some customization to the Settlement Statement can be done in Company Maintenance > Company > Settlement Stmt tab.


owner copy


1.To list the A/R (Accounts Receivable) detail that has occurred since the last  A/R statement date, a "Statement of Account" can be printed on the Settlement Statement by placing a "Last A/R Statement Date" on the Billing Tab in the cycle extract screen. This will break out each A/R Account - if applicable.

2.If the owner is included in any AFE projects, a summary broken out by AFE will show. The Summary by AFE will not include accumulated transactions without an AFE number.

3.The next section will always show on the statement, this is a summary by lease of the income and expenses. It will clearly state if the owner was cut a check or if they owe. If Partnerships are setup, there will be a section for each Partnership the owner is part of after the main Summary by Lease.

For owners receiving an ACH or WIRE statement, this will be indicated in place of "Settlement Statement." The date following the account designation (located in the upper, right-hand corner) will also be removed due to it being defined in the "For Checks Dated" section directly below the account.

4.A recap of current and year-to-date earnings/charges will show at the bottom.

Contact Information - When running a cycle that contains Revenue, your message will print at the bottom of the check stub, or if running a Revenue/Billing cycle, this will print at the bottom of the Settlement Statement.

Billing Message - This message will display at the bottom of the Settlement Statement when running a Billing or Revenue/Billing cycle.

When utilizing the Outside Operator option, a summary statement will be added at the end of each owner's statement but will not be included in e-mail statements; however, detail will not be printed if the amounts are all zeros.



After the summary screen there will be one or more pages for the detail breakout.

owner copy 2

Each lease will be broken out into it's owner section.

1.Lease Sub-Account code and Name.

2.If populated, the API pulls from Property Maintenance > Other tab. If comments where added in Distribute/Combine - Comments, they will show here.

3.Detail will be given for any Revenue and/or Billing for this owner.

a.Will show the 100% amount

b.Will  show the owner's amount based on their percent in #4

4.A summary will show the NRI and Wkr Int percents for this owner in this lease, this can be helpful when reviewing amounts in section #3.