Division Orders Reports

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Division Orders Reports

Division Order Process

The Division Order (DO) process within the Revenue/Billing module allows DOI changes to be “queued up” to be printed in “batches”. This allows for more than one property for a single owner to be printed on one Division Order Letter. The process will assign a division order number which will be used when returning a signed DO, unsigned DO or a DO returned due to wrong address. The return process can also change the DOI suspense code. Reports may be run to verify the DO status, as well as, additional owner/lease specific DO printing options.



Create Division Order Letter(s)

oCreate or customize DO letters to send to owners. This can be done in Utilities > Default Forms > Letter Templates > Revenue tab.

oLetters must start with “DO”

oDOCustomLetter is there by default for you to use

Add Default Letter to Company Maintenance

oLocated in the Company Maintenance > Company > Division Order tab.

DO letter setup

hmtoggle_plus1 Setup Suspense Code Maintenance

Extra Info for Owner

Add owner specific notes for Division Order such as Fractional, Lien, Signature, Title Work, Owner Desc, and Royalty Reporting. This is done in 2 different locations depending on what information is being added.

oOwner Maintenance > Revenue/Billing > Summary > Extra Owner Info: Signature or Owner Desc can be added.

oDOI Maintenance: Fractional, Lien, or Title Work can be added.

ohmtoggle_plus1 Extra Owner Info Setup


Queue up letters

There are 2 different ways.

1.Division of Interest (DOI) – find Property – then Owner

a.Whether in edit mode (changing a DOI) of just viewing a DOI, right-click anywhere on the owner line for the option to add this record to the division order process. Once added these owner’s ownership are queued up and waiting for the user to print the Division Orders. You can add as many records for various users before printing.

Extra Owner 5

2.Owner Maintenance > Revenue/Billing tab > Summary sub tab > DOI List/Edit – on the property line, right-click, select DOI Letter option

NOTE: It won't look like anything has been done, but you can review the queued up letter via the methods below.

Review Queued up Letters

Owner Maintenance > Revenue/Billing tab > Summary tab sub tab > Division Orders button.

oPrint Pending Division Orders screen allows you to see the status of all pending division orders for this one owner for any of their properties. You are also able to reprint division orders from this screen if needed.

Division of Interest (DOI)

oRight-click for the option to view an owner's Pending Division Orders screen.

Reports > Division Orders > DO-1 Pending Division Orders


Print Division Order Letters

hmtoggle_plus1DO-1. Pending Division Orders


hmtoggle_plus1DO-2. Update Division Order Returns


hmtoggle_plus1DO-3 Printed Division Order Report