Fixed Assets

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Fixed Assets


The Pak Accounting Fixed Assets program is designed to help organize and manage depreciation entries. Once you enter details about your assets, the system can calculate the depreciation entries based on the specific information entered. Amounts may be changed to review the effect on the calculations, and the G/L entries may be posted into the General Ledger.

The system can manage up to seven sets of books for depreciation entries. The first three, called G/L (General Ledger), TAX (Tax), and AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) are set up by default. This enables you to maintain separate calculations for internal books, Federal taxes, and AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) depreciation.

There are also over 30 pre-defined classes, such as AUTOMOBILE or REALESTATE, which are used to categorize similar assets based on an IRS class code. These classes cover most accounting situations but Pak Accounting will add additional classes, if needed, once the request has been made for a specific IRS class code to be maintained. The user may also add a “user defined” class code for situations that are not defined by an IRS class code.


Set Chart of Accounts [F11]] for Asset account, Accumulated Depreciation account, Depreciation Expense account

Asset Book

Asset Class

Account Codes

Asset Maintenance

Create G/L Entries (if converting from another system)

Once the setup is complete, please see the Reports section for all reporting options available.


hmtoggle_plus1Accounting Concepts for Depreciation


hmtoggle_plus1Flow of G/L Entries


hmtoggle_plus1Chart of Accounts


hmtoggle_plus1System Limitations

Also see:



Create G/L Entries


Master File Maintenance
