FP Severance Tax

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FP Severance Tax


The Severance Tax setup is the same as the setup in Revenue/Billing.

The purpose of Pak Accounting's Severance Tax feature is to allow specific severance taxes to be calculated and deducted from revenue distribution items. The system can create reports for several specific state agencies. See Revenue/Billing > Reports > State/Fed Reports tab for more information on state reporting.

Special features of the calculations:

Calculates and combines multiple taxes (production, conservation, ad valorem, etc.) for a specific property.

Calculates taxes on variables based on ownership type, product type, specific periods of times.

Calculates taxes on various basis of tax (gross, net, volumes).

Specific calculated taxes are to be displayed as separate taxes on the revenue distribution record reported to your revenue owners.

Creates General Ledger entries to record the liabilities to any severance tax payables accounts the user desires and includes an audit trail of which tax type and sequence number generated the specific tax amount.

Displays an estimated tax that will show on the Operator Run Statements.

The automatic calculation occurs during the Revenue disbursement cycle at the Extract Entries menu option.  To determine the results of the calculations, there are four basic "points of visibility" to which the user can refer:

The "Extract Revenue and Billing Entries Status Listing" during the extract give the company wide total of computed severance tax.

The listing accessed on the Distribute/Combine menu option ("List" button). Any transactions with a "From" (FM) status of "ST" is a system generated tax calculation. This gives you visibility at the distribution level.

The Pre-Check Reports option – "Print Distribution by Property Listing" gives you the visibility at the property/owner level. The "Print Office Copy Listing" displays each tax as deducted.  The After Check Reports – "Owner Copies report" displays the same information to the revenue owners.

The journal entries are created when the Revenue/billing cycle is updated. In these entries, the description has been expanded to include an additional line containing the following items that are used by the First Purchaser's system severance tax reporting.

Property Sub-Account


Tax code and Tax code sequence number


Gross Amount

Tax basis amount




hmtoggle_plus1Review Setup


hmtoggle_plus1Property Maintenance - Severance Tax tab


hmtoggle_plus1Reviewing Severance Tax Calculation

More Information

Training Videos can be found under Revenue/Billing > Setup

Please see other Help Menu items such as:

oSeverance Tax Error-No Accounts Have Been Defined for a Specific Product

oTexas Low Producing Oil Lease Severance Tax Credit

oSeverance Tax Corrections

oSeverance Tax Reporting and Filing including Rev/Billing > State/Fed Reports tab for state specific Severance Tax Reporting

oMulti-Tax Code (NM)

oSeverance Tax Anomalies