Severance Tax Corrections

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Severance Tax Corrections

When making corrections, first, determine the method of creation for the severance tax. If the Revenue/Billing cycle automatically calculated the severance tax, then the entries made to the Revenue Tax Accounts will be with a Journal 30. These entries will also have information embedded with the entry. It is the extra information in the description field used for severance tax reporting.

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On the other hand, if the system did not calculate severance tax, but added through Check Stub Entry, the entries post with a Journal 11. Corrections for these entries would be a reversing check stub and reentry with the correct amounts. These corrections typically come from the Purchaser. If you attempt a Revenue Correction the severance tax ‘omit’ button will not be available.

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For the revenue severance tax corrections, first update the severance tax code in the Severance Tax company options, Property Maintenance severance tax tab, or both. If the property is subject to a lower tax rate, then add a new tax code to the Property Maintenance screen with an effective date change. With the property level Revenue Distribution Correction utility, you can make the severance tax corrections.


hmtoggle_plus1Example 1: Tax Code rate was incorrect.


hmtoggle_plus1Example 2: Severance Tax Code was not set up in Property Maintenance


hmtoggle_plus1Example 3: Property qualified for Reduced Rate, but calculated at a higher rate.


1.Ensure the tax is still turned on in Owner Maintenance (F12)/Revenue Billing tab/Withholding: Edit button.

2.Manually add the amount of State W/H into Suspense. See Adding Suspense for more information.

a.Go to Revenue Billing > Reports Corrections > 31 Change Correct Void/R-4 Suspense Add New.

b.The Offset Account will be the liability account set on the Fed/State Withholding setup screen for this state.

c.In the Owner Share column, enter the amount of the State W/H that should not have been deducted from the owner. Since we are charging Tax, ensure this figure is negative when entering it. At the bottom of the screen, in the Totals section, Pak Accounting will flip the sign accordingly to show what the entry will be when posted.

d.Save and Update the Suspense Add.

3.Go back into Owner Maintenance and uncheck the state in the Withholding: Edit button so withholding will not be taken out on future revenue.