Trend report

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Trend report

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The Monthly Trend Report can be used to print a variety of different types of statements.  In fact, all the statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow) can be printed using the Trend Report format. It is used for comparison of amounts based on monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annual periods for the current or prior year. The trend report prints a column for each month in the indicated range.  


NOTE: When running a trend report with Asset/Liability accounts (Balance Sheet, for example), in order to print balances instead of net activity an "O" record should be added at the beginning of the report with the "Curr Amts" field on the Special tab set to "B."


Trend Report-General Tab

Report Selection Field

Choose the report desired to run in the trend report format.

Last Month/Year to Print/Periods to Print

Choose the last month and year to print for the report. In the "Periods to Print" field enter the number of periods desired for the system to run the report for leading up to the last month/year entered previously. NOTE: The periods will correspond to the "Value in each Column" selection (monthly,quarterly, semi-annually, or annually).

[Click to Edit] Report Definition

This button will lead to the report definitions for the report chosen for viewing or editing.

Report Heading

An additional description can be added in this field that will print underneath the date in the report heading.

Print Additional Column For

This option will print a column for Inception to Date, the Average of Periods Printed (based on the selection made for "Periods to Print"), or neither.

Amount Type

Choose between Dollar Amount, Budget Amount, or Quantity.

Print Percent?

Print Qtrly/Annual amount as monthly average

Add Columns for QTD

"Print Percent" will add a percent column.

"Print Qtrly/Annual amount as monthly average" will print the average for the quarter or year.

"Add Columns for QTD" will add a column for quarter to date amounts.

Value in each Column

Monthly (Jan, Feb, Mar...etc.):  Enter the Month, and periods to print and the report will trend the monthly amounts for that month and the # of periods prior.


Monthly (Same Month-Prior Years): Enter the Month and periods to print and the report will trend the monthly amount for the year and prior years.  Basically this report is like the YTD-Annual except it is monthly totals instead of YTD totals.


Quarterly (Qtr Amts):  Enter the Month and periods to prints and the report will adjust your dates so that the date will always be on the end of a real quarter as defined by the fiscal year, amounts are QTD.


Quarterly (Same Qtr-Prior Yrs):  Enter the Month and periods to prints and the report will adjust your dates so that the date will always be on the end of a real quarter as defined by the fiscal year, amounts are Averaged over the quarter.


Semi-Annual (Half Yr Amts): Enter the Month/Year and number of periods to print and the report will trend based on 6 months per column and number of periods selected.


Semi-Annual (Same 6-Prior Yrs): Enter the Month/Year and number of periods to print and the report will trend based on the Last Month/Year. Then each column, based on the number of periods, will show 6 month average for the same period ending month/year.


Annual (YTD thru Same Month): This option will provide a column for the annual yearly amount based on the desired month for the number of periods entered in the "Print Prior Periods" field.


Annual (Entire Prior Yrs + YTD): This option will provide an annual amount for all prior years based on the number of periods entered in the "Print Prior Periods" field. Additionally. a column will be printed for the current year based on the last month/year to print.

Print Difference between Periods:

This option adds a difference column between two periods.

Report based on:

Effective date (G/L date), Production date or Paid/Billed Date. Production Date and Paid/Billed Date will only be available with the Dual Date reporting optional add-on.

Add Columns for QTD?

Checks this box is you wish to see the quarter to date columns.


NOTE: When using substitution code ^M in a "T" report definition (title), the system will recognize the number of months in each column and whether the system is printing YTD (Year to Date) or Total.



hmtoggle_plus1Trend Report - Sub-Accounts Tab



hmtoggle_plus1Trend Report- Financial Groups Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Trend Report - Printer Tab