Daily/Weekly Trend Report

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Daily/Weekly Trend Report

Also see: Financial Reporting Overview for more information on tabs and menu items at the bottom of the screen.

The Daily/Weekly Trend Report can be used to print a variety of different types of statements.  In fact, all the statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow) can be printed using the Trend Report format.  It is used for comparison of amounts based daily or weekly periods. The trend report prints a column for each period in the indicated range.  


Daily/Weekly Trend Report-General Tab

Report Selection Field

Choose the desired report to run in the trend report format.

Last Day to Print

Enter the last day you want the trend report calculated from.  For example, entering 3/31/23, will print information prior to that date based on the specified period.

# of Days/Period

Enter the number of days combine in each column.  For example,  1 will print every days totals for the # of periods specified, and 7 will print a weekly total.

# periods

Enter the number of periods to print.  For example, entering 2 period with the # of days set to 7 will print two columns of weekly information for comparison.

[Click to Edit] Report Definition

This button will lead to the report definitions for the report chosen for viewing or editing.

Report Heading

An additional description can be added in this field that will print underneath the date in the report heading.

Print Additional Column For

This option will print a column for Inception to Date, the Average of Periods Printed (based on the selection made for "Periods to Print"), or neither.


hmtoggle_plus1Daily/Weekly TrendSub-Accounts Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Daily/Weekly Trend Financial Groups Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Daily/Weekly Trend - Printer Tab