Substitution Codes

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Substitution Codes

For Compilation Letters and report Title Descriptions (record type "T")


The text can also contain substitution codes.  These codes all start with a ^ (the symbol above the 6) and can be placed anywhere in the text.  These codes can also be place in Title lines and their meaning is determined based on the options specified when the report is printed.  The valid substitution codes are:


Company Code


Company Address 1


Company Address 2


Company Address 3




Sub-Account Name


Sub-Account Name 2


Address 1


Address 2


Sub-Account code itself


Cost Center Name (suppresses normal printing of the cost center)


Balance Sheet Date (i.e. 80 character execution time option line)


Current Fiscal year (2 digits).  (i.e. Fiscal Year ending YY.)


Today's date spelled out.  (i.e. September 13, 2007)


Variable date(s) spelled out depending on balance sheet type:

1 (non-comparative) - Current Period Ending Date (i.e. ^T)
2 (compare w/open entry) - Curr Period Ending Date "and" date of last day of last fiscal year. (i.e. March 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006)
3 (compare w/prior yr) - Current Period Ending date + Last Yr (i.e. ^U)
4 (compare w/any period) - Curr Period Ending date "and" date of comparative period (i.e. March 31, 2007 and February 28, 2007)


Number of months in the current period


"Month" or "Months" depending upon ^G


Last year's fiscal year (2 digits).


Months variable (i.e. one month; one month and three months; one month and six months; one month and twelve months, etc.)


Company Name


Number of periods in financial statements are covering (i.e. ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, etc.)

Number of months in YTD period (income statement)


"Month" or Months" depending upon ^P


Current Period Ending Date (Month Day, no year)


Current Period Ending Date spelled out (i.e. December 31, 2007)


Current Period Ending Date + Last year (i.e. December 31, 2007 and 2006)


Displays Sub-Accounts in a group