Check Stub FAQ

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Check Stub FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Check Stub


Click on the blue link for the answer.


hmtoggle_plus1        I'm an investor, how can I track my pre-pay through Check Stub?

hmtoggle_plus1        How do I enter in a Tax Refund from a Purchaser?

hmtoggle_plus1        What is a "Deleted Interest"?

hmtoggle_plus1        Why am I getting a Calculated Deleted Interest Error when printing my Check Stub Detail Edit List?

hmtoggle_plus1        How do I set up and distribute Lease Use Gas?

hmtoggle_plus1        How to enter a Net Check With Outstanding Previous Balance?

hmtoggle_plus1How to enter a Severance Tax Correction?
hmtoggle_plus1How do I change the name of our purchasers but keep the old history?
hmtoggle_plus1I am getting an error saying I have a bad acct/sub. How do I fix this?
hmtoggle_plus1Why are my Gross Revenue entries are "zeroed out" by entries that say "Revenue checks written…"?
hmtoggle_plus1How do I correct 100% numbers that are wrong because the Division Order had the wrong interest?
hmtoggle_plus1How can I track 100% billing numbers if I only receive net numbers and I don't redistribute to others?