Lease Daily Entry

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Lease Daily Entry

Lease Daily Entry

After a successful login by a pumper the program will start on the home page. It will display the default route. See Basic Navigation for more information on navigating this screen.

Once the pumper is selected the date will default to the last date processed for the pumper. When the program is started in the morning for the first time the date should be incremented. If a pumper has not been selected the date will default to the current calendar date. A new processing date can be entered using the calendar control or by using the Previous Date and Next Day links.

To enter the information for a lease for the day, click the lease name link on the Home page. The daily entry page will be displayed.

hmtoggle_plus1Tank Reading Tab
hmtoggle_plus1Water Tab
hmtoggle_plus1Gas Tab
hmtoggle_plus1Treatment Tab
hmtoggle_plus1Meter Reading Tab