FP Price Contract

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FP Price Contract

Enter a Contract number and name for each Contract type you need. Property information associated with the contract can be added, changed, or deleted from the Price Contract Maintenance screen instead of at the property level. A price contract can also be terminated at this level. If terminated, the date will replicate to the Properties Using screen in the "Term Date" column.


When selecting “Add” you will get two options; one to Create New contract and the other to Copy from Existing Contract. When Adding new Contract and "*Default" contract is set up, the Add new will copy the purchaser code, billing/hauling rate code as well as the freight bill to code from the *Default Contract. The Copy New Price Contract Utility will default the From Contract to be the one that you are currently on.


hmtoggle_plus1General Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Notes Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Pricing Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Properties Using Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Docs Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Price Lock-In Tab



Utilities: Import Utility-Allows for Price Contracts to be imported. The required columns are the Contract number and Contract Type (ie: OIL). This import also has the option to Add or Change Contracts. The import format can be XLS, XLSX, or CSV.