State Unemployment Report

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State Unemployment Report


For Texas, Pak Accounting prints a Blank Paper form or on the preprinted forms or allows you to submit the report electronically

On the preprinted, you can either have the employee information already on the form (original) or just be generic blank preprinted forms.

The system will print in a format that will fit either:

oOn the Texas pink form itself (either with the company name/address/etc pre-print on the form -OR-

oOn a blank pink form where the system prints the company's name/address/etc).  The blank prints as the same as the pre-printed forms and is not intended to be submitted.

New TWC Rules on Electronic Filing! (TEXAS ONLY)


For states other than Texas, the system prints a generic state unemployment report.

Paper Format has the following options: B - Blank Paper; P - Preprinted forms, O - Original Forms

The system currently has 3 different versions of the report based on the state code entered.

It will print additional headings on the report to let the you know what is being printed.  (in Texas, the extra descriptions interfere with the state's ability to scan in the form so they are not printed.)

It will print the quarterly employee information out that includes in addition to the Unemployment Wages, the  Taxable Unemployment wages (those under the state's limit) and then the difference between the two (i.e. Excess wages - Unemployment wages that are not taxable because they exceed the limit).


For reporting in LA (Louisiana), one additional feature of the report is that each employee is rounded to the nearest whole dollar and the totals reflect those rounded numbers.


For reporting in IL (Illinois), an additional feature is available to produce the Monthly Wages Report or to produce the regular quarterly report


Write QuickFile to Electronic reporting file

To create an electronic file to send to the various states (currently supported TX, CO, OK, IL, LA, KS, NM and WY), click the box and select where to save the .txt file (note that the file is not yet created).  You MUST print or view the report in order to create the file.  


NOTE: When an account is missing for a state, the system will provide directions on where to go to correct the error. To correct this specific error, go to Master File Maintenance > Basic Options > States tab and enter the account number for the specified state.