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The Payroll system can track and manage payrolls from only a few employees up to hundreds of workers. The flexible setup allows you to determine how complex or simple you need it to be. If you use the General Ledger, the payroll system can integrate seamlessly with the rest of your financial software.


Before using the system, complete the one-time setup for Company Maintenance.  When the company options have been entered, continue by setting up the employees.  After employees are set up, you are ready to run payroll cycles and print reports.


By their nature, payroll systems tend to be fairly complex and subject to considerable government regulation.  As a result, setting up a complete system will take some time and effort. Pak Accounting has tried to streamline this process as much as possible, by grouping most company setup functions together under one menu: Company Maintenance.


See also:

Payroll Cycle

Employee/Check Maintenance

Payroll Reports

Reports - Quarterly

Payroll Year-End

Master File Maintenance

Correcting Cycle

Payroll FAQ



Payroll Integration Chart