OGP Setup Checklist

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OGP Setup Checklist

Since, the Production System shares properties with the Revenue/Billing Module, this Setup Checklist is based upon the assumption that properties are already set up in Revenue/Billing.  Each item on the checklist will be addressed more fully later in the document.  


One-time setup:

Company Setup – Basic company information including regulatory filing information

Property Link - Company Defaults for all properties.

Product – Products to be used in the production system

Disposition – Disposition codes to be used in your regulatory filings


Routine Setup

Tank/Meter – Set up tank strapping, meter, and LACT unit information for each property

Field/Pool – Fields/Pools which will be associated with your properties

Property – Information for each property using the production system

Master Property – (State Specific)

Third Party – Associate interest owners with properties for which they are to receive production information


Pricing (Required for Comparative Run Statements)

Price Index – Information from Purchaser Posted Price Bulletin


Gravity Scale – Price adjustments based upon gravity as defined by the purchasers

BSW – Price adjustments based upon BS&W as defined

Sulfur – Price adjustments based upon Sulfur as defined

Iron – Price adjustments based upon Iron as defined

Purchaser/Operator – Purchasers are those who buy your product(s). They are required for Run Ticket Detail and are used for check stub compares. Operators are used by First Purchaser Only. The only Operator needed in Production is yourself.

Price Contracts – Purchaser contract information

Severance Tax – Severance tax calculations which will be used to calculate the taxes for each product sold. This is setup in Revenue/Billing.