OGP Price Contract

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OGP Price Contract

Contract information with associated information on indexes and Price Adjustment Scales.
Enter a Contract number and name for each Contract type you need. Property information associated with the contract can be added, changed, or deleted from the Price Contract Maintenance screen instead of at the property level. A price contract can also be terminated at this level. If terminated, the date will replicate to the Properties Using screen in the "Term Date" column.

When selecting “Add” you will get two options; one to Create New contract or to Copy from Existing Contract. When Adding new Contract and "*Default" contract is set up, the Add new will copy the purchaser code, billing/hauling rate code as well as the freight bill to code from the *Default Contract. The Copy New Price Contract Utility will default the From Contract to be the one that you are currently on.


General Tab

(This is an informational screen only)

Start Date

Enter the start date of the contract.

Primary Term Ends

Enter the termination date.

Contract Type

Spot- The contract for a given period of time. There is a definite start/stop date.

Term- The contract has a definite start date. Additionally, the Primary Term Ends field will have to have a date entered as well.

Term w/Evergreen-The contract has a start date and automatically renews.

Evergreen- The contract automatically renews.

Unknown- Default


Notice Required-Enter the number of days required for a notice

Notice Given On- Enter the date the notice was given

Termination of Contract

Enter the date the contract was terminated.


Enter the marketer. This field is informational only at this time.


Enter the operator. This field is informational only at this time.

Broker Co.

Enter the broker. This field is informational only at this time.

Contract Written By

Choose who the contract was written by. This field is informational only at this time.

Reporting Contract #

Enter the property contract number. This field is informational only at this time.



Notes Tab

The Notes tab allows for notes and comments to be entered concerning the price contract. Simply click into the field and type the notes. Save when finished.


Pricing Tab

Effective Date

Enter the date of the new price contract. This field allows for future contract changes to be entered when they are known instead of waiting for that date to arrive.


Select the Purchaser code from the Purchaser Sub-Table that is already defined.  

Price Index Number

Select a pre-defined Price Index for the Price Contract.

Price Type

Select Daily Price or Monthly Average to be used when the price is associated with the ticket.

Gravity Scale

Select any Gravity Scale index needed for each contract.  


Select any BS&W Code needed for each contract

Iron Content

Select any Iron Code needed for each contract

Sulfur Content

Select any Sulfur Deduct Code needed for each contract.

Truck Scale Code

Select any Truck Scale Code needed for each contract.

Price Adjustment

Add an adjustment to be added or reduced from the price on the price index.

Est BBL Per Day

Informational Only-For Future Use.

Hauling Purchaser

This field is used when it is a non-hauling purchaser on the contract.

If the new Hauling Purchaser Code is specified, then the Hauling Rate Code and Freight Bill To columns are editable. The new Hauling Purchaser Code must be a valid Company Code and must be a Hauling Type Purchaser.

Pipeline Rate Code

First Purchaser only

Early Pay Group

If this contract needs a specialty payment other than the standard, once a month payment, then the Early Pay Group Maintenance needs to be setup and then the pay group needs to be defined in this field.

Billing Hauling Rate Code    

First Purchaser only

Freight Bill to

First Purchaser only


The buttons at the bottom of the screen will take you to the Maintenance screen for the option selected.


Properties Using Tab

This tab populates when a Price Contract is associated to a Property to show the properties that are a part of this particular contract. Using the green “+” and red “-“, properties can be added and removed from this screen – this will also effect the Price Contract tab in Property Maintenance.


Docs Tab

The Docs tab allows for documents associated to the contract to be added and saved for later viewing. To add a document, click on the "+" sign at the bottom of the screen. A new Document field will be added. Then right click on that line. Next click on "Add Document". The document can then be scanned in and added to the price contract. Additionally, a description can be entered in the description field on this screen to describe the document.


Price Lock-In Tab

Visible only if the EOM/Lock-In Price Type is selected.

The "Lock-In Date" must be populated. The lease can be populated to lock in a price for that specific lease. However, if you would like for all properties to be locked in, leave the property field blank. Enter in the number of loads in the next column.


Utilities: Import Utility-Allows for Price Contracts to be imported. The required columns are the Contract number and Contract Type (ie: OIL). Optional columns are PricingEffDate and FreightBillTo. This import also has the option to Add or Change Contracts. The import format can be XLS< XLSX, or CSV.