OGP Master Property

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OGP Master Property

Different options are available depending on if you select the Federal or State as the type.  Use the State option if you have several leases in the same field, with the same State Property Number, and you want to combine their monthly production in a single property name on the State Production Reports.  Use the Federal option to create the MMS/ONRR report.


Type: State

MMS Maint


Master Property/Agreement#

Number of the Master Property. Typically assigned by the state or government entity.


State should be used (See Federal information below).

State/Federal Code

If State Type, use the drop down to select the specific state abbreviation where the property is located.

Master Property/Unit Name

Name that will appear on reports. Typically, an internal name used as a description.

Field Reference

Field that properties are located in. Must be setup in Field Reference first.

State Reporting District#

District that properties are located in.

Gas Well Number

This is the Common well number. Not commonly used.

Commingle Permit Number

If properties have a commingle/allocation number, define same number that is on the properties. Use the *LEASE to report the individual property’s commingle permit.

Note: On the Property Maintenance – General tab – the State Property ID would all have the same ID number to indicate properties that are tied together..See Commingle for setup information.


Type: Federal

MMS Maint 2

Master Property/Agreement#

Number of the Master Property. Typically assigned by the state or government entity.


Federal should be used


If Federal Type, then this should be set to US.

Field Reference

Field that the properties are located in. Must be setup in Field/Pool first.

Master Property/Unit Name

The name associated with the Agreement #.

Agency or Agreement #

Typically assigned by the state or government entity.

Property or Agreement?

Use drop-down to select correct option

Federal or Indian?

Use drop-down to select correct option

Operator# / Name

Typically assigned by a government entity.

Print MMS 4054 Report

To print the MMS report, select the check box

Comment boxes

Enter in information that needs to print on the MMS/ONRR report.