Partnerships Tab

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Partnerships Tab

Separate Checks/ Stmts for each partnership

Rarely used; default settings should be NO (break out by owner# only). When using the No net across, but pay minimum option (which requires the Transfer petty suspense to   A/R for WI owners that are netted), if a partnership ends up with a credit balance, but not enough to get paid, then an explanation will be added.

Yes - This feature is used when client wants to pay each partnership out of a separate cash account within one cycle.

Netting across partnership - when selected, this feature will net across ALL partnerships. The ability has been added to apply the minimum check amount to the owner level AND not include partnership(s) that have a negative cash flow.  I.e. The sum of the partnerships that have a positive cash flow must be greater than the owner's minimum suspense amount.  Owners must be setup to Transfer petty suspense to A/R for WI that are Netted for this option to work.

Roll Up

Group Sub-Table &  Roll up level – allows for a summary of multiple wells on the settlement statement on an owner basis

No Rollup-Summary by Property#  (default)

Rollup-Replace last "x" digit of Prop# with *

Rollup-Use Group/Partnership Code

Fund Deducts

This is an owner level option to allow owner(s) to be paid a return on their investments. This will allow the excess to be remitted to a reinvestment fund account. Be sure the A/R Account Range is defined to include all fund deduct owner A/R accounts.

**To deduct, select the Fund Deduct option on the Revenue tab of your cycle.

Pct Deduct of Net Option

N - Fund Deducts option is disabled.

G - Deduct by roll-up group on DOI. (This option is used in conjunction with the "Roll-up" level). It will total all properties together when applying the Pct Return amount as defined on the Owner Master / Fund Deduct Tab.

P - Deduct by Property. This is per property and is a specific percent return amount as defined on the Owner Master / Fund Deduct tab.

Pct of Net Account

Define the account that the reinvested monies will be held in. This is typically a liability account.

See Fund Deducts for the complete setup.

Optional Partnership System

See Partnership Reporting for more information.