Payroll Review

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Payroll Review

The next step in running the payroll cycle is the Payroll Review.  This step shows an overview of the payroll cycle with error reporting and several reports to help you verify the cycle is correct. All these reports are optional. Run as many or as few as you wish. HOWEVER, we recommend running at least the Check Register report. This is the easiest time to catch and fix any errors.



Payroll Review

Hours Proof List

The totals on this report should match the hours reported on the employee's time cards.  

For salaried employees, only net pay is printed.  For hourly employees, both regular and overtime hours will be totaled.  Any hours other than regular and overtime will print in the "Other" column.  The report flags any employees with zero or negative net pay amounts. When printing the Hours Proof list and you have either Employee # or Alphabetical for the sequence of reports selected, it will now total the number of employees. An error column has also been added to the report and any employees with errors will be shaded on the report itself. NOTE:  This screen allows you to set a warning for excessive Overtime hours.

Check Register

Prints a check register to show what checks will be written and what the ACH amounts are.

Change Log

The change log will show any manual changes done within the payroll cycle; including any changes made that were wiped out by the erase and restart of a cycle.

View Log

View log shows any errors that may have occurred when the user started the payroll cycle.

Comparison Report

You can compare current cycle to any previous cycle.  The report can be limited to certain departments, earnings, deductions, company costs, taxes or ACH.  This report can also be found under Reports, Historical tab, H-16 Cycle Comparison Report.

Detail Report

A detail of the standard payroll deductions and the driver receivable deductions. Also see Employee A/R with Balances.

Driver Pmt Report

The driver payment report from First Purchaser. Also see Employee A/R with Balances.

Ticket Labor Hours

This creates a driver payment report for Service Ticket.

Delete Employees with No Earnings

Occasionally an employee may be selected for payment, but for some reason should not be paid this cycle.  This could happen due to an unpaid leave of absence or because an employee did not work this period.  If this is the case, select “Delete Employees with No Earnings” and the employee will be deleted from Pay Summary.  Remember this does not delete the employee -- just the record for this pay cycle.


Next Step: Print Payroll Checks