Missed Deductions

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Missed Deductions

What if a deduction was missed and substantial hourly time has already been entered, no checks printed?

On the Payroll Cycle screen, select the missed deduction…

Then, select Menu and a Confirmation box will allow you to save the changes to the cycle without overriding any previous cycle entries (i.e. hourly time).

Now, Employee has the deduction, but summary maintenance changes, like Time Entry, are preserved.


What if a deduction was missed and substantial hourly time has already been entered, AND checks have been printed?

The Payroll Cycle > Start- Payroll Cycle screen has an option to “Void Checks and Allow changes to Detail codes”. This option will void all checks and allow you to select the missed deduction and continue with the cycle. The system will automatically reuse ‘E’ and blank check numbers.