Part Maintenance

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Part Maintenance

Parts Maintenance contains information about the parts within your inventory. The amount and type of information contained in Parts Maintenance is the key to the power and flexibility of the invoicing system. Paying careful attention to the setup of your parts as it can make a big difference in how the system can be used.



Parts Maintenance – Inventory Tab: this tab is a summary overview. You would not typically make adjustments to this screen

Part Number

1-15 character part number, designated by you.


A description of the part. This description will print on the invoice.

UPC Code

Future Enhancement, not currently used.


When checked the part will become Inactive and it will not be eligible for use upon Entering Invoices


The total number sold. The average cost is calculated by dividing the prior amount sold with the new quantity, using the average cost from the items On Hand at the time of each sale. Dollars is calculated by taking the average cost times the quantity.  


The quantity purchased and received. This line keeps a running total of all purchases when the payable information is updated via the Purchase Order screen. The average cost is calculated by dividing the cost with the quantities from the last purchases.  


System-computed total for adjustments to items On Hand.

On Hand

The current inventory count. The average cost is calculated by dividing the cost with the quantities from the last purchases. Note that this number does not include invoices waiting to be updated.

On Order

The number ordered but not received, as entered in the Purchase Order screen. (Hint: Click on the On Order button in order to view a report of all items On Order).

Being Invoiced

The quantity sold from invoices entered but not yet updated. (Hint: Click on the Being Invoiced button in order to view a report of all items Being Invoiced).


Quantity on hand less quantity being invoiced.

Adjust On Hand

Quick way to adjust inventory amounts, type in the amount to adjust and press Save to save the adjustment. This will make entries into Invoicing Inventory and into the General Ledger using the accounts setup in Class Maintenance.


See also:

Part General Information Tab

Part Discounts & Markup Tab

Part Purchasing & Pricing Tab

Part Other Tab

Part History Tab

Part Vendor Tab

Part Price Book

Part Maintenance Menu






Change a Part #

Utility to change a specific part number. The "Import Part # Changes from CSV File" allows for mass part changes to be made through a CSV file format specified (any lines in the CSV file that have blank part numbers will be ignored). Additionally, this utility will allow for a part number to be changed to one that already exists.

Copy a part #

Utility to copy a specific part number's information to another part.

Change historical date range

Utility to reset inventory totals based on date ranges for sales, receipts and/or adjustments.

Mass Maintenance

This utility allows for one or more parts to be selected and mass changed at the same time.