Open Item

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Open Item

Open Item Report

After invoices have been entered (Invoice Entry) and posted (Update/Post), you can print an open item report.  This report shows all unpaid invoices, by vendor, as of a specified due date or by invoices marked for payment.  See A/P Mark Invoice Utility.


This report can be run prior to writing checks to verify which invoices will be paid. Use the same "Due as of" option as you plan to use in writing the checks. Credit memos will appear with brackets around the amount. The report totals what the cash outlay will be as of the due date.  Any amount due from vendors (those who have credit balances) will appear as a separate line item total and not as part of the total cash required when printing checks. Lost discounts will also be separated out in the Net Totals based on the date.This report will NOT include invoices that have been paid. For a backdated report, see the Historical Open Item Report. You also have the option to include the scanned images to print by checking the box as well as the full approval history when the "Print Approval Information" box is selected.  


Tech Tip: To remove balancing debit/credit entries from the Open Item Report, a zero draft can be applied to the entries. This is done in the Accounts Payable module/Add Check Number to Updated Invoice. Find the vendor and enter the Check Information making sure that Draft is selected and the Check Amount field is zero. Next select the two balancing invoices and click on Record. The system will create a zero draft check history on the Bank Reconciliation file. This effectively removes the balancing entries off of the Open Item Report.


The Open Item Report will also list the current cash balance and the balance of the cash account if all of the invoices on the Open Item List were paid. These amounts will be listed on the last page of the report. If a user has been restricted from viewing a cash account, they will not be able to see the cash balance on the Open Item Report or in Pay AP. The balance will also be unavailable if the user does not have access to the Ledger Listing or View Trend (F4).


Historical Open Item Report

The Historical Open Item Report allows for backdated reports of open items for a specific vendor or in total. This report can be run for detail or in a summary format. Additionally the report provides the option of printing the report by aging for invoice or by due date in a detail (one line per invoice for each vendor with a grand total) or summary format (one line per vendor with a grand total). This report can be saved as a PDF or a CSV file and will allow void adjustments to appear on the file as well as the report. The voids are checks written and then voided in future periods that will cause the prior period to be out of balance due to recycling the original paid invoice (i.e. marking it as unpaid). If the report is run in a summary format, the "to account for voided check" line will not show on the report.


Open Item by Exp Sub-Account

The Open Item by Exp Sub-Account prints the current unpaid invoices sorted by expense Sub-Accounts (example JIB billing property) the invoice was coded to. Additionally this report can be run by GL Effective Date, Invoice Date, Paid Date, "Due as of " date, or journal with an option to only include invoices dated of/before a specified effective date or service date.


Cash Requirements Listing

The Cash Requirements Listing shows the amount of cash required as of a certain date to pay due invoices. The report may be printed by date, vendor, or Journal.


Aged Summary Report / Detail

The Aged Summary/Detail report shows aging on open invoices as of a specific date.  The report can be viewed in Summary (total by vendor) or Detail (each invoice) form.


Verify Open Item by G/L Balance

The Verify Open Item by G/L Balance reports a list of A/P and A/R account where the G/L balance is out of balance with the Open Item balance as well as the Sub- accounts which are causing the out of balance. The Revenue/Billing Cycle will also double check that the open item matches to balance for the A/R and Prepaid account(s).  If it finds something out of balance, it will automatically un-flag the dates that are out of balance.  Any action it might take gets automatically logged to the system’s error log.