Monthly Rentals

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Monthly Rentals

Additional Setup specific to Monthly Rentals:

In Parts Maintenance (F3), find the Rental Part, Discounts & Markups tab.

When using the Monthly Rental option:

The Included Days should be the number of days for the initial rental period.

Then fill in the Day Rate what the charge will be for each additional day after the initial number of days. If you leave the Included days zero it will assume all days in the rental period will be charged at the "Day Rate".


Inv Monthly



To use:

Enter the Invoice through "Enter Invoices" as normal, select the rental equipment as the Part Number, and enter the beginning rental date. Then the invoice can be printed and updated as normal.


Inv Rental monthly entry


Copy of Invoice:

Monthly Rentals


Update as normal.


Also see Rental Menus for information on Check-In, Generate Renewals, Rental Part List, and Rental History.