Rental Menus

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Rental Menus

Check In Rental

Check In equipment by entering the part number and the date item is checked in. If date is later than the thru date on original invoice, the system will generate an invoice for additional days.


Generate Renewals

Generate Rental Renewals allows you to create new invoices for renewal of any rental parts that are still checked out and is past the original  thru date (i.e. the invoice has expired).


Issue Credit for Previous Invoice

Issue Credit for Previous Invoice – this feature is only available for parts that are setup with 0 Included Days. It will create a credit based on the Rental part, Month to Credit and number of days.


Rental Part List

Provides a listing of all Rental Parts an the status (i.e. Rented Out, Past Due).


Rental Part History

Reports rental equipment's Rental history.