Income Statement

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Income Statement

Also see: Financial Reporting Overview for more information on tabs and menu items at the bottom of the screen.

An Income Statement is a summary of the effect of revenue and expenses over a period of time and is also known as a Profit and Loss Statement


Income Statement-General Tab

Report Selection Field

Choose the report desired to run the income statement.

Current Period From/Thru

Enter the period to print the report for.

[Click to Edit] Report Definition

This button will lead to the report definitions for the report chosen for viewing or editing.

Report Heading

An additional description can be added in this field that will print underneath the date in the report heading.

Print Current Period?

Print Prior Year?

Print Variance?

Check to print current period profit and loss

Check to print prior year profit and loss. When exporting to Excel, the column headers will be boxed to match the report when "Viewed to the screen.

Check to print the variance

Report based on:

Effective date (G/L date) or Production date. Production Date will only be available with the Dual Date reporting optional add-on.



hmtoggle_plus1Income Statement - Sub-Accounts Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Income Statement-Financial Groups Tab


hmtoggle_plus1Income Statement - Printer Tab