Deposit Entry

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Deposit Entry

Deposit Entry is a fast and easy way to enter cash deposits. These deposits may be from customers who are paying on their account or any other type of cash received that needs to be deposited in the bank.  A deposit can be entered, a deposit listing printed, and a general ledger update performed, all from one menu. There is no need to enter debits or credits to individual accounts - the program itself handles the entries.


Setup:  Enter the deposit entry setup information in Company Options.


Deposit Cycle:

1.Enter Cash or Check deposit information
2.If not using current date, enter the date to print on the deposit slip and record in the general ledger in Override Deposit Date.
3.Print an Edit listing to verify the deposit
4.Print deposit slip to take to bank
5.Update deposit to the general ledger


Also see:

Unit Sales

Multi-Company Deposit Entry