A/P Entry Tab

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A/P Entry Tab

These default company wide options should be set prior to initial use of Accounts Payable.  Once set, these options are typically not changed.  Most options can be overridden at the Sub-Account or invoice entry level.



Company Maintenance Setup - A/ P Entry Tab

Default invoice entry journal

Enter your A/P entry journal.  This is the journal that will be used to record A/P invoice entries in the General Ledger. See Journal Maintenance for setting up journals.  

Create Reference # by

Computer – the computer will automatically assign a ref # based on a sequence (Recommended);

Manual Entry - allows you to enter a manual reference #.

Invoice # - puts the invoice # as the reference in the G/L.

Perform Duplicate Checking During Entry?

Yes - turns "on" the duplicate checking option during invoice entry.  The system will check invoice history for an invoice with the same date, invoice number and dollar amount.  If it finds a duplicate the system will give you a warning during invoice entry.

No - disables this duplicate checking feature only during the entry process. When the program is attempting to post the entries, duplicate checking will still be active. This option sets the default for the company and can be overridden in Sub-Account Maintenance on the A/P options tab. However, this options specifies whether or not the warnings will be seen. Duplicate checking is not a control that can be completely bypassed. For Multi Company Duplicate Checking see AP Company Maint / Advanced Tab.

# of Days Back to Look for Duplicates

(If the duplicate checking is turned on) Defines the number of days you want the system to look back for duplicate invoice(s).  Note:  365 days tells the system to look for duplicates in the past year.

Match +/- Dollar Amount for Duplicates

(If the duplicate checking is turned on) This feature allows some flexibility in matching the invoice dollar amounts.  Note:  0.00 will only look for the exact dollar amount matches.

Default Payment Terms

Defines the system default for the invoice due date.  The drop down options are as follows:  

Add Days - Adds the specific # of days entered on the "Enter # of Days" field to the invoice date

Subtract Days - Subtracts the specific # of days entered on the "Enter # of Days" field to the invoice date

Next Month - due date will be the next month from the invoice date on the date specified on the "Enter # of Days" field

Duplicate Previous - Due date will be blank the first time you enter an invoice, the next invoice you enter will duplicate the due date entered on the first one.

Enter # of Days, or Day of the Month

If Next Month was specified for Default Payment Terms, indicate a specific default day for invoices to be due (Note:  Zero days will be the day of the invoice date for the next month); or if Add Days or Subtract Days was specified, how many days to add or subtract from the invoice date.   Can be overwritten at the Sub-Account level. (i.e. vendor by vendor basis).

Base G/L Eff date on Invoice Date

Yes – for the G/L effective date to default to the invoice date upon invoice entry.  

NO – G/L effective date defaults to last entered effective date.

Separate Service/ Draw Date

Note: This feature may not be visible on the Company A/P Entry Options screen.  This feature can only be utilized if the following conditions apply. 1. Customer must be authorized for Dual Date reporting. 2. Company has a non-blank Revenue A/R setup in place. Otherwise, this option will not appear on the screen.  
None, Draw Date or Date of Service – companies who need to track a different date other than the invoice date.  (i.e. invoices from a vendor that have invoice dates in a different month from the month the work was performed).  

Draw Date - Enter the draw date on the A/P Enter Invoices to pay screen on the Other tab (tab only shows is option is selected).  Select if interim or Final draw date.

Date of service - Ability to enter the service date (i.e. production date) on the AP invoice separate from  the GL effective date and invoice date. This enables you to produce proper production date financial statements when using the optional Dual Date feature. Date is entered on the A/P Enter Invoices to pay screen.

Gross Up Billing Entries

Used when recording an A/P from an outside Operator (vendor) and while you are paying a smaller portion (your %), you intend to run the charge thru a JIB cycle at 100% #’s instead of the amount you are paying. Upon update of invoice the charge will be automatically grossed up to the 100% amount with the difference credited to the Deleted Interest billing account/lease. To use this feature, set the "Gross Up Billing Entries" option to "Yes". The Billing Deleted Interest Account should already have been setup in Revenue/Billing Company Maintenance/Accounts Tab. See Auto Gross Up for complete setup information. Note:  this feature is for Oil and Gas companies.

Default A/P Account

If more than one A/P account number is defined, by default, when adding a new items the system will default to the lowest A/P account number. Use this field to indicate a default A/P account when entering in new invoices.



See Company Master Maintenance for General Company Setup Options



See Also:

A/P Entry 2 Tab

Check Writing Tab

Letter Templates Tab

Invoice Routing/Approval Tab

PO Tracking

Vendor Classes Tab

Advanced Tab

Multi-Co Options Tab