Check Writing Approval Setup

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Check Writing Approval Setup

Check Writing Approval - Treasury Function

You can control all cash disbursements by setting up check writing approvers for Accounts Payable. Please note that this is a separate function from the Accounts Payable invoice approval. In this case, we are adding controls specifically to the cash disbursement process.



Set up:


First, decide on the number of approvers for Accounts Payable check writing, Payroll check writing and Revenue check writing. It was decided this company requires one approver for Accounts Payable. Find this screen in General Ledger # 80 Company - Company Options - Approvals Tab.


Checking Restrict Quick Check to Approved Users option allows Pak Accounting to enforce the Quick Check restrictions set in the Utilities module > Global > User Level Security > Utilities button > Approver Maintenance. The option will be enforced with or without routing approvals being utilized.


CW Approvals


Next, decide who the approvers are and set them up in Utilities > Global > #92-User Level Security. Click on the Utilities button on the bottom of the screen and select “Approver Maintenance”. It is a good idea to have backup approvers for your Treasury check approval process (i.e. have more people Setup to approve than are required to approve in case someone is not available and checks need to be approved).



Description of Columns

User ID:

The user’s one, two, or three character code as set up in security.


You can specify an approver for each company or for all companies.


Indicate if they can approve Accounts Payable, Payroll, Revenue, or Unposted Entries

QCheck Limit:

The quick check amount a user can write. A zero amount in this case means this user can NOT print a Quick Check.

Check Limit:

By module, the check amount limit the user can approve. Here BG can print Accounts Payable checks up to $100 (or print a Quick Check up to $50).  A zero amount is unlimited.

Batch Limit:        

The maximum total amount of the check run the user can approve.  A zero amount is unlimited.


Special (Super User Options):

The Owner of the Company is a typical Super User. Super User functions bypass the normal separation of duty controls embedded in the Treasury Approval process.


Apv Twice:

Select “Yes” to allow the same approver (User ID) to be the second approver.

Apv & Prt:        

Select “Yes” to allow approver to also print the checks. Accounts Payable only feature.




Security Issues/Concerns:

Please note: Before setting up approvers for check writing you need to consider your entire security implementation for all users.  Without invoking security in Pak Accounting, users would be able to go into utilities and change the settings thereby giving themselves rights to approve and write checks.  Security rights should be setup on a user by user basis (User Level Security) BEFORE actually turning on (enabling) security.  AFTER all users are setup with the proper rights you can “enable security” by clicking on the Enable Security check box in System Options/ Security Options tab.


Consider the following minimum security measures when setting up user rights:

1.Bare minimum (easy setup) for ALL companies:

a.Restrict access for most users from #92 system security, the screen where the “rights” are defined for each user, otherwise they will be able to change their own “rights”.  

b.Also restrict #90 System options where security can be enabled and disabled for the entire organization.

2.Higher security (easiest setup) for ALL companies:  restrict access to the entire Utilities menu. Users won’t have the rights to accomplish most administrator type functions:

a.Changing Security for Users/Disabling and Enabling Security

b.Installing Updates

c.Rebuilding Files

d.Backup/Restore Functions

e.Imports/Exports of Data

f.Resummarizing files

g.Network Tests/Logging Users out of Pak Accounting

h.Changing File Structures such as Account #/Sub#/Decks/Journals/Bank Codes/Tax Authority/AFE #

i.Copying Companies

j.Default Forms (Cover Letter Definitions/Footnotes/AP Letters/Division Order Letters/Release of Lien Letter/Escheat letter)

1.Highest Level Security (most advanced setup):  you can restrict certain users from certain modules, all the way down to certain screens on a user by user/company by company/screen by screen basis.  This higher level of security obviously requires more work setting up and maintaining on a continual basis.


Signature Options for Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Revenue/Billing

Pak Accounting provides the ability to automatically sign checks for Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Revenue/Billing checks that are written out of each respective module. Each module has a particular place for signature options:

Accounts Payable module- Bank Account Maintenance, Signature Options tab

Payroll module- Advanced Options, Check Options tab

Revenue/Billing module- Revenue Signature


The signature options found in each module have the same options: Signature File Name, Password, Only Sign Checks Less Than, Print Line for Signature, and Optional Description.

Signature files are created by scanning the check signer(s) signature(s) into a bitmap file that is then stored in the GLN32 > WPFORMS directory. The signature file name is then input into the “Signature File Name” field in order for it to print on checks.

This file can be password coded by entering the password in its respective field. The password can be up to thirty characters in length and will be required to be entered before checks can be printed. This password must be safeguarded.

Working in conjunction with the signature file, the “Only Sign Checks Less Than” field allows for a dollar amount to be entered that will tell the system that the signature may only be printed on checks less than that particular amount. Any checks over that amount will have to be physically viewed and signed by the check signer(s). This option acts as an internal control against fraud. If checks are being printed out of Accounts Payable, Payroll, and Revenue Billing, the signature options will need to be set up in each module if desired.


hmtoggle_plus1Accounts Payable Example


hmtoggle_plus1Payroll Example


hmtoggle_plus1Revenue Example