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Add-On - Excel based reporting feature


Allows upper management the capability to access and analyze Pak Accounting data without logging into Pak Accounting using Excel based formulas, no need for report definitions. Data may be pulled at the account level, account/Sub-Account level, account/Sub-Account range, account/financial group level.  Great for managers who are analyzing data for multiple companies!  No need to dump the financial reports into excel, and then, create a workbook with all the companies’ financials.  Simply create your workbook template for all financial reports, save it, and then, refresh the data to get updated figures.  Makes viewing trends a breeze, and gives you the ability to create excel based graphics. The Analytics setup is accessed from General Ledger/Financial Reports/Analytics. We give you a template to start with called wpExcelAddinTemplate.xlsx.


Getting Started


Excel Functions


Troubleshooting Analytics