Unpost by Other Criteria

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Unpost by Other Criteria

The “Unpost by Other Criteria” does allow you to select multiple batches to unpost and requires you to define which of those candidates you want to unpost in a 2nd screen. You must supply the number of days back into time you want Pak Accounting to search for your candidates to unpost. The default is for the system to look back through the last 35 days. By limiting this to the proper search period you improve the search’s efficiency. The date “Entries updated/posted” was the date you originally posted your batch. You select your candidates by identifying a Property, a Purchaser, or both.


Step 1: On screen one: Select “Unpost by Other Criteria” and enter the G/L Lease, then select “Next”.


Step 2: On screen two. “Expand All” to see more detail. The Reference to unpost. Select “Next”.


This intermediate (2nd) screen is only seen if the “Unpost by Other Criteria:” is selected.

If you do not identify either of the detail fields (G/L Lease and Purchaser) we will expand the detail automatically for everything found. Select the batch or batches you want to Unpost in this case.


Step 3: Select batches for Unposting.


If multiple batches exist, you can select only those References you want to Unpost.

Select the “Finish” option to Unpost your batch or batches and review the results.


Step 4: Go to Enter-Deposit/Stub detail and make changes for the detail in each batch.


Step 5: Update/Post Cycle to complete the correction.