Customers/Job Locations

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Customers/Job Locations

Using the customer Sub-Account codes, set up each customer in Job location maintenance.  Add each job location for the customer and any billing groups or special pricing.

Customer job location


Select Add to set up each Job location.



Customer / Job Locations Maintenance


Select the customer from the customer Sub-Table identified in company maintenance.

Shared Locations

Select for all locations disposing into your facility. The master location is set up in ZZMSTR customer.

Default Billing Level

Select the default billing level: Well, Job locaton, Group, or Customer

Sales Tax

Select if location is subject to sales tax and enter the tax authority set up in Tax Rates.

Tax Authority

If charging sales tax for this location, enter the tax authority setup in tax rates.

Invoice Format

If filing electronically, identify the electronic format. If default is selected, the system will use the default invoice type setup in Company Maintenance > Invoice Options 1 tab

Electronic Buyer

If submitting tickets electronically, enter the buyer.

Exempt form Surcharges

If surcharge options were set up in Company Maintenance > Surcharge tab, select if the location is exempt from the surcharges.

Job Location

Set up each job location for this customer. Enter the Number, description, taxing authority for the location and billing description.


Job Location Tab

Billing Groups Tab

Special Pricing Tab


Also see: Service Ticket Overview and Setup