Invoice Options 1 tab

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Invoice Options 1 tab


Invoice Options 1 tab

Default Invoice Status

Identify the Default invoice status:  Bill of Lading, Hold or Ready to Print.  


Default / monthly Invoice format

Identify the default invoice format to use for service tickets invoices. This can be overridden on a customer by customer basis in menu item Master File Maintenance > Customer/Job locations [F4].

Also see: Invoice Formats to see examples of each

Include PO# Information

Check to include PO# information on Default or Monthly invoice formats.  PO# information is entered in F12 on the A/R Options tab / Referred By field.

Electronic Print format

Enter the default format to send electronically.

Oildex Seller ID

For customers using Oildex, enter the Seller ID.

Electronic Contact Name

Enter the contact name for the electronic file

Oildex Chesapeake Tkt #

Select either Ticket # or Invoice # - Oildex will assign

Invoice Num Prefix

Enter a prefix that will prefill at the beginning of each invoice number.

Invoice terms

Enter terms to print on the invoice.

Surcharge Column Title

Enter the heading for the top of the surcharge column.

Print Billing Group/Level info

Check to print billing group information on each invoice.  Billing groups are setup in Customer/Job locations > Billing Group Tab.

Include Tax authority

Include the tax authority description on the invoice with the location.

Display Taxable/Non Taxable

Changes the display on a line item basis.  

Print Location’s Billing Desc

Print the location’s billing description on top right side of Invoice at Location or Well level for ticket types:  Other, Transport, Both None.