Run Ticket Allocation

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Run Ticket Allocation

Commingle Facility Maintenance informs the system how to reallocate property production from commingled storage tanks.  As discussed in Property Maintenance, you must first set up a commingled property master.

When the ticket is saved, the system uses the percentages derived from this screen to reallocate production from commingled properties to allocated properties.  The system is a "Token/Multiplier" percentage calculator.  The system multiplies the values in the "Factor" columns by the values in the "Token" columns to develop a percentage.  You can change the values in any column, and the system will recalculate the remaining columns based on your changes.  To set up a new facility, enter a Commingle Permit #, this will activate the Commingle button at the bottom of the screen.  If you need the tickets to be allocated and display on Run Statements/Reports, then select the “Allocate Tickets”. Once a ticket is entered into Daily Run Ticket  and saved it will immediately allocate. An allocation can be setup only if a product code has been entered.


When all properties have been entered, the system will start with a default even percentage (both the multiplier and token values are set to 1 for all properties).


If you have the need to setup multiple levels “Allocations” or if you need to be able to enter in at the “header” (allocation master) as well as a property within an allocation set the has detail to “Y”.  Then setup that property as a commingle allocation type with its owner unique commingle permit #.


The Token Title represents ”BOPD” and the Factor Title represents “Days On”.  By entering the number of barrels of oil per day produced by each property in the facility and the number of days each property was active during the month, the system will calculate the correct percentage for all the properties in the facility.

The system corrects for rounding errors, so the sum of the allocated property totals always equals the commingled property totals.

The Import Set within the Utilities button allows you to import your allocations. If the allocation already exists, the Allocation Description, Basis Title, and Token Title will not be required and can be left blank.

The View date will default to be the last month



Setup Basic Allocations


Allocation Examples