Other tab

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Other tab





EEO Reporting



This information is for Equal Employment Opportunity information only.

Job category


401K Reporting

Highly compensated/ Key employee

Mark based on criteria for your 401k plan.

401K plan date

Date employee entered 401K plan.

W-2 Boxes

If this option is coded with a Yes, the block on the W-2 will be checked.  There is no other effect on G/L or payroll.  Pension, Statutory Employee, Third-Party sick pay.


This field is user definable.

Shift #

For companies using shift employees.

Time Clock #

For companies using Time Clocks.

PTE Job Options

Customized for customers who use the PTE feature in Pak Accounting.

Time Entry

Customized for customers who use the Time Entry feature in Pak Accounting.

Driver type / Position/ Benefit waiting period

These fields only show up on the Employee Master Views and Employee Detail Master listings.