Investor AFE Tracking

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Investor AFE Tracking

Pak Accounting Investor AFE Tracking

Since Pak Accounting’s Investor Package does not include the Revenue/Billing Module Investor Only clients are not able to utilize the AFE options through the Billing accounts. There is a way that you can track your own, that is through the G/L budgeting. After receiving AFE/Cash Call you can begin the set up.
First set up your Property. No special setting needed just your “normal settings”

Now to the G/L Budgets: located in the General Ledger Module > Master File Maintenance > Budget.

Set up all your Budgets including one for your Prepay account:

We recommend adding into the month that you expect the project to begin, since a project typically takes a couple of months to complete.

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Create A/P invoice to Operator to pay for the Cash Call

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This will create your balance for the prepayment. Once you start receiving your AFE bills from the operator you can deduct your prepayment applications from this prepayment account.

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Post bills as they come and run a budget report at any time to see your balance.

Example of simple report definitions for an Investor AFE/Budget Comparison Report:

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Run your report through the Budget Report option in General Ledger > Financial Report > Budget Report. This will allow you to see your budgets verse actual comparison on each AFE project.

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