FP Pipeline Reconciliation

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FP Pipeline Reconciliation

Pak Accounting’s new Pipeline Reconciliation Process helps facilitate the monthly process of reconciling daily tickets to the pipeline statement received at the end of the month. This new process will add automation eliminating hours of manually ticking and tying each ticket to the statement.

Match purchase tickets and sales tickets according to your unique business requirements. User defined tolerances allow you to set the acceptable variance levels on gross barrels, net barrels and number of days before or after delivery date on a ticket. The system holds these tolerances which makes the process faster and keeps your reconciliation requirements consistent over time.

You can find the new Pipeline Reconciliation Process has a new section in the First Purchaser menu.

Monthly Reconciliation Process

1.Import the pipeline statement in Statement Import

2.Review importing tickets in Statement Maintenance

3.Auto-match tickets in Ticket Matching

4.Run Reconciliation Report  in Reconciliation Reports




hmtoggle_plus1Statement Import


hmtoggle_plus1Statement Maintenance


hmtoggle_plus1Ticket Matching


hmtoggle_plus1Reconciliation Report