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T-11 Run/Delivery Ticket Edit Report
The Run/Delivery Ticket Edit Report gives the user the capability to review ticket entries by offload property and offload date that were made either manually or through an import. It lists any flags set as well as readings, observation readings, adjusted gravity and both gross and net volumes.
T-12 Cost of Crude Oil Report
Report can be viewed by destination or lease. It shows the contract cost plus the driver commission for the total cost of crude by ticket, as well as the totals by extract date/time. The report also has the option to include hauling cost. You have the ability to print by all tickets or only held tickets.
T-13 Daily Run Ticket Report by Offload
This report contains run ticket by offload and can be filtered by Destinations and Drivers.
T-14 Gauge Ticket List
This report provides a list of gauge tickets that can be limited by property or date.
T-15 Inventory Variance Report
Three reports are available: (Add-On)
1.Ticket Detail listing – grouped by destination lease; displays off load also
2.Daily Totals by station – lists each station for each day
3.Summary by Station – lists each station with totals
The ticket and daily reports have a sorting option (Station-Tank) that will allows variances to be reviewed at the tank level. The reports do not require daily gauge readings.
T-16 Inventory/Sales Comparison Report
This report provides detail at the lease/ticket level. It includes net volume and daily net volume; sulfur and daily sulfur; gravity; weighted average as well as total inventory, production and sales.
•The “Gravity” column is the SpecificGravity (141.5 / (CorrectedAPIGravity + 131.5))
•The “Weighted Avg” column is (SulfurContent * CorrectedVolume * SpecificGravity)
•The “Daily Sulfur” prints once for each day – it is the total of that day’s “Weighted Avg” divided by the “Day Net” (net vol for that day).
•The total line for the Daily Sulfur is the Total Weighted Avg / Total Net Volume.
NOTE- The reports above will be generated by destination date instead of ticket date. The dates are generally the same unless the ticked is backdated or delayed.
T-17 Run Ticket Analysis - (Add-On)
This report can be created for one month or multiple months and will show an analysis by vehicle, driver, gauger, state, county, operator, and/or destination with the option to print tickets. Twenty-Four months can be specified on one report. This report will save to a file in the company's EDI folder. The Offload tab of the file will show offload net volumes instead of pickup values.
T-18 WolfePak Analytics - (Add-On)
User-definable analysis of live Run Ticket data. Also see Analytics.