Ticket Reports

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Ticket Reports

T-1 Current Daily Run Ticket Listing

Contains basic information about run tickets such as Date, Ticket #, Property, and Volumes. This report can display the start/end temperature and gauge readings. NOTE: If a load was refused, this will print along with a comment.


T-2 Daily Run Ticket Edit Listing

This report contains information about run tickets that can be restricted by many different options to include, properties, purchasers, operators, and entry date. It can be sorted by Property, Entry Date, Ticket Date or User ID. Report Filter Options are:

1. Print All Tickets based on above criteria

2. Only Print Duplicate Ticket Numbers (searching all tickets for possible duplicates)

3. Only Print Duplicate Ticket Numbers (for duplicates in the ticket effective date range above)

4. Only Print Low Volume Tickets, where the Net Volume is < barrels.

5. Only Print Held Ticekts

6. Only Print Void Tickets

NOTE: If a load was refused, this will print along with a comment.


T-3 Run Ticket Detail Report by Cycle Date

Contains basic information about run tickets. This report can be limited by cycle dates.


T-4 Run Ticket Comparison Report

Comparison report for selected cycles that compares the Net Volume (by property) for 2 different production periods (ticket month/year). This report has the ability to be sorted and sub-totaled by operator or state/county.


T-5 Export Run Tickets in CODE Format

Exports by destination and/or property for each cycle month. This export will not extract held or refused run tickets. Tickets with a blank Destination Company Code, blank Meter Number, or an invalid ticket type will not be included in the export file. The path to where the file is located will be displayed when the report is created.


T-6 Run Ticket Seal Number

This report provides a listing of tank numbers by property and ticket date, and/or cycle if desired. Report types are:

1.Print Tickets with Matching Seals

2.Print Tickets with Missing Seals

3.Print Tickets without Matching Seals

4.Print All Tickets

T-7 Check Stub Comparison Report - (only displays if you are tracking Production, which most First Purchaser's do not)

A version of the Operator's Run Statement which compares the purchaser totals for each property in the statement to those entered from the purchaser's check stub and notes any variances.There are options to include properties where Run Ticket and Check Stub amounts are equal or to include all check stubs (including the ones that are not creating 100% entries). The sequencing is by property number for this report.


T-8 Tickets with Questionable Data

The Tickets with Questionable Data report shows temperature, gravity, and BS&W values that may be incorrect based on recent tickets for that property. Allows for user defined parameters.


T-9 Run Ticket Views

This report contains every element captured on the Daily Run Ticket entry screen including Load, Offload, and Hauling information. This report can be customized, filtered, and saved to run regularly and can also be exported to excel. See Grid Views for more information.


NOTE- The reports above will be generated by destination date instead of ticket date. The dates are generally the same unless the ticked is backdated or delayed.