Export 1099-Misc Transmittal

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Export 1099-Misc Transmittal

This option will create the electronic file for the IRS.

Also see IRS FIRE System for more information including logging in, test files, and common issues.        

Export 1099-MISC Transmittal - Process

1.Select whether the file being extracted is Original, Corrected, or Transmitted. Enter an Extract ID in the appropriate field if one is required (very rare). If the file being created is a test file, check the corresponding box for a test file.

2.Select the option for your filing type.

Federal Filing Only – Used to transmit a Federal file with no state information.

Combine Fed/State Filing - will contain Federal and State 1099 information.

XLS-Federal option will create an XLS file that will be located in the company’s EDI file. This is used for third party filing services.

State Only – used to transmit a specific state file.

These files can be uploaded to the IRS FIRE system. See IRS FIRE System for more information on the electronic filing process.

Add-On: Web Connect export will upload .pdfs for each Sub-Account's 1099 to Connect's Secured FTP for all owners/vendors. Click the following link to find out more: Web Connect.


1099 Revenue Export by State for OK follows Oklahoma state guidelines.

If you are filing Combined Federal / State, you must submit a file in the first year a filer participates in the program. Results will be sent to the email address that was provided on the "Verify Your Filing Information" page in the FIRE Test System. If the file is bad, the filer must go to https://fire.test.irs.gov to see what the errors were. If a new test is required, it can be transmitted November 1, 2022 through March 17, 2023, 5 p.m. (EST). Note: Form 1042-S testing will be delayed and will begin on January 3, 2023 through March 17, 2023.

4.Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the screen to create the file. Take note of the file destination.

Also see Folder Transfer/Compare to transfer files between WPA and a local folder.

5.Click on the "View Log" button to view a summary of the export and its totals. Print or save to file for company records..



1.If you are making corrections to 1099's, mark them as "Corrected" at the top of the screen in "Payee Maintenance 1099-MISC", in "Print Form 1099-MISC", and "Print  Form 1096-MISC".

2.To export a "Corrected" 1099 file, choose "Corrected" at the top of the "Export 1099-MISC Transmittal" screen. Once the Corrected 1099's are exported to an EDI file, The system automatically changes the 1099's marked as "Corrected" to being marked as "Transmitted."

NOTE: As of 2014 Iowa no longer participates in the Combined Federal/State filing program. Pak Accounting has removed the ability for combined federal/state filing for the state of Iowa. As of 2015, Utah and the District of Columbia no longer participate in the program. As of 2016, Oklahoma no longer participates in the program.


Also see Filing Corrected 1099