What Can/Cannot be Changed in View Trend

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What Can/Cannot be Changed in View Trend

View Trend provides the ability to make many real time changes without having to unpost the transaction. This is accomplished through the “right-click menu.” A menu item that is “grayed-out” is not available for the selected transaction.

NOTE: There is ability in User Level Security to restrict the right-click menu for users. Call your Customer Success Team for more information.

Following is a list of changes that can be made through View Trend (F4) along with an example of when that feature would be used:

  Change Effective Date:

Select to change the effective date of a transaction to another date.  All parts of the journal entry will be changed. Note: The effective date is restricted by the Posting Allowed Date Range.

When would I use?  Can’t find a transaction, possibly posted it to the wrong date.

Change Production Date:

Select to change the production date of a transaction to another production date.

When would I use? Incorrect production date entered.

Note: The old production date does not have to be in the current Posting Allowed Date Range, but the new production date does. Transaction can only be changed if it is not marked Paid.

  Change Invoice date for selected A/P transactions:

Select to change the invoice date of an A/P invoice.

When would I use?  Wrong date entered on both the effective date and invoice date.  

Note:  Changing the invoice date can affect A/P reports. This date is different from the effective date.

Change Account/Sub:

Select to change the account and/or Sub-Account of a transaction.  

When would I use?  An A/P invoice was recorded to the wrong expense account.  

Cool feature: Use the Multi-select option to select more than one entry to change, and the system will change them all at the same time!  Pak Accounting uses the Windows standard of:

Ctrl-Click (hold down Ctrl key while left clicking a line) to select or unselect one line at a time, or

Shift-Click to select a start and ending row AND everything in between.  The lines selected will turn “blue” indicating they were selected.  

To Clear all the entries selected and start over, you could Ctrl-Click on each Selected line (to unselect), or do a Next/Prev with the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen.

After you get all the lines you want changed selected, then Right-Click and Change Account/Sub to change them all at once!

Note: Pak Accounting will not allow Account/Sub-Account changes to be made to entries that have been billed out in a Revenue/Billing cycle.  For these type entries you will need to make a manual journal entry to adjust the miscoding and get the billing to the investors corrected.

Change Journal/Jrnl-Ref:

Select to change the journal number of all the transactions for the month OR for a particular journal entry (i.e. uses the reference number)

When would I use? Use designated deposit journal to record credit to cash.  Entry shows in reconcile deposits instead of cleared checks.  

Add Document:

If you have scanning feature, select to add a document after the fact to a particular transaction.  A transaction is a set of entries with the same reference number who’s debit/credits sum to zero.

When would I use? Documents were received after transaction was entered.

Append to Document:

Used with scanning to add additional documents to a transaction.

When would I use?  Additional documents were received after the transactions were entered.


Send the selected transaction(s) information to the printer.  You must select the transaction by holding down the Control or Shift keys on your keyboard.  (See the prior page on the Multi-Select options)

When would I use? Use when you would like to see a print out of certain transaction.

Unpost Journal/Jrnl-Ref:

This will unpost all the journal entries for the entire month for the select journal to Entries Maintenance OR only the journal entries for the selected reference.

When would I use? Anytime you need to unpost entries that have not been billed out in a Revenue/Billing cycle or a completed bank reconciliation. Handwritten checks (Journal 71) can also be unposted. The same rules regarding revenue billing cycles and bank reconciliations apply.

Note: There are some restrictions when unposting certain items. Specific entries, such as Check journals, cannot be unposted. A warning will display if a user is trying to unpost a check stub deposit journal. Also, any posted detail that is marked with a "Paid Date" cannot be unposted. This includes deposits flagged off with A/R Open Item. (To unpost and correct paid deposits, use the Unpost Deposit in Deposit Entry). Another example of entries that cannot be unposted are entries that have been paid or billed. A warning will appear letting you know that this is the case. Additionally it is possible to unpost out of balance journals given certain circumstances. Call your Customer Success Team at the Direct Support phone # shown on the bottom of your screen for assistance.



Split and Unsplit Transaction:

Select the transaction to split into two different dollar amounts. NOTE: if the transaction is a credit balance, you must enter the split as a credit.  Unsplit allows you to return a previous split back to its original form.

When would I use?   Posted a note payment in full to principal and now you know the interest portion. Split the amount by the interest amount and then reclassify the interest amount to the interest expense account using Change Account/Sub.  


Items that Cannot be Changed Through View Trend

Dollar Amounts

Reference Number

Paid Date

Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period – determined automatically by the Effective Date.

Subsystem – determined by what subsystem created the entry.

Approval Information

Discount Information

Open Item Information


Check Number


Tax Authority

Created and Last Changed Information to include the Created ID - audit

Entries that have been billed out in a Revenue/Billing cycle.

**Additionally, images cannot be deleted and Items that have been paid through Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable, or invoices that have been billed through Rev/Billing, cannot be changed.