Using PakEnergy Help (F1)

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Using PakEnergy Help (F1)

PakEnergy Help is accessed through the F1 key on your keyboard or by clicking on "Help" at the top of your screen and then "PakEnergy Help F1." When selected a new window will open in your web browser.


If you are on a screen, such as Accounts Payable/Enter Invoices to Pay, accessing F1-Help will automatically pull up the information concerning that particular screen.


Finding docs in Help

Using the Table of Contents tab will list out topics and modules.

Help 1

Using the Index tab will give a list of “keywords” that docs has added to topics. Search the keywords to help you locate a doc.

Help 2

Using the Search tab will search all docs for any instance of that word being used. This is not necessarily looking at the keywords that docs has added to topics – just if it’s anywhere in the doc itself.

Help 3