PakEnergy Download

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PakEnergy Download

General Tab: Use this screen to download the latest version of Pak Accounting.  

hmtoggle_plus1Current Authorizations


hmtoggle_plus1Update License with Internet Connection


hmtoggle_plus1View Download/Install Log


hmtoggle_plus1View Release Notes (description of changes to the program)


hmtoggle_plus1Download and Install New Program Version


Contact E-Mail Addresses for New Program Versions


Automatic tab: Use this screen to setup automatic updates.

Enter in how often you would like your software to update: Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. If an option other than Never is selected, a new box will appear and you can also enter in the Update Time that you would like this to run.

Enter in what computer you would like the update to run from. The Current Computer Name is the name of the workstation you are currently on; however, you can enter in any valid computer name.


Advanced tab: Use this screen to access Advanced Options such as:

Download License, Change License Name and Change Authorization Code.