Sub-Account Import

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Sub-Account Import

The Utilities button on the bottom menu bar in Sub-Account maintenance, allows you to import Sub-Accounts from another company or from one Sub-Table to another.

Enter the Company Code of the company you are importing from

The Sub-Table and Sub-Accounts range you want to import. (blank to ZZZZZ imports all Sub-Accounts)  

oAdditionally, you can import group definitions (generally in Sub-Table 200-Summary Cost Centers) as well as the Sub-Account.

oThe Contact Info tab is a part of the import if it is a part of the Sub-Account being imported

You want to change the current Sub-Table code to new Sub-Table code, enter in the New Sub-Table in the field. Leave blank if you want it to remain the same.

There is an option to copy the documents tab from the company where the Sub-Account is being imported from. This will replicated the documents in the new company and change the document number to a new document number

Click on OK once you have selected your options.




Importing properties must be done from the Property Master found in the Revenue/Billing module, Property or in the Check Stub module, Property. Click on the Utilities button found at the bottom of the screen and then click on the Import Utility option.  

You can import Sub-Account information from one Sub-Table to another within the same company to save time.

The import utility is not a destructive overwrite.  It will only import the Sub-Accounts not already present.

The Sub-Account length must be the same in both companies