Property - Production tab

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Property - Production tab

Property maintenance is also setup in Revenue/Billing. In the production module there is a "Production" tab. This tab will only be seen if authorized for Production and within the OGP or First Purchaser modules.


Production tab1        


NOTE: For New Mexico properties- The state reporting number and the API number can be unique from each other. The C-115 report will use the API# field instead of the State Property ID number unless the API number is blank. Also see State Specific Setups.

Property Maintenance (* - Required Fields)

* Well type

Must be defined as OIL, GAS, Pending or Other (Skim).  

* Disposition for Oil Run Tickets

This is the disposition code that will be used to process the run tickets

* Disposition for gas sales

This is the disposition code that will be used to process the gas sales

Injection pressure

Enter the pressure at which you are injecting gas or fluid into the well bore. See State Specific Setups

Commingle Permit #

Internal or State issued. Also see Commingle and State Specific Setups.

Commingle Maint

See Commingle

Print Permit # on state reports?

Check to print the Permit # on the state reports. See State Specific Setups

Allocation type

Normal: standalone well

Commingled: wells that feed into a pipeline or tank battery

Allocation: actual pipeline or tank battery receiving product from multiple wells

Oil Well #/Gas Well #

Well No. & U-L-S-T-R, prints on C115 report. See State Specific Setups

Gas Well Options

Well No. – number assigned by the state reporting agency
Plant and Plant Code – if required by reporting agency.

See State Specific Setups

Warn if Prod not entered daily

On/Off – if you want a warning if production not entered daily

Track Gas lift injection

On/Off – if you want to track gas lift injection. See State Specific Setups

Second Purchase

First Purchaser Only

Hauling Code

First Purchaser Only

Grade Code

Type of Hazardous materials being transported: Crude Oil and Hydrocarbons. First Purchaser only.

Inaccessible in Bad Weather

Informational only. Typically used with First Purchaser.

Estimated Gravity

Informational only. Typically used with First Purchaser.

Exempt from State Transporter Reports

First Purchaser only

Suspended by RRC

Informational only. Typically used with First Purchaser.


Informational only. Typically used with First Purchaser.


Informational only. Typically used with First Purchaser.

GL/Check Stub/Rev/Bill Property #

Should be the same property number between the G/L and production

Pct Paid to Company

Net revenue interest received

Working Interest Owners Rev NRI%

Used for GL Entries. Typically set at 1.0 or 0.0. The account numbers are set under Company Maintenance – Product.

# of active wells

Wells that are active on this property (See State Specific Setups)

Default days on per month

Days active (See State Specific Setups)

Sulfur Content

Informational only. Typically used with First Purchaser.

Ticket Import Group

First Purchaser Only