OGP Commingle

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OGP Commingle


Commingle Facility Maintenance informs the system how to reallocate property production from commingled storage tanks or pipeline gathering systems.  To start, you must first set up a commingled property master in Property Maintenance.

The system is a “Token/Multiplier” percentage calculator. The system multiplies the values in the “Factor” columns by the values in the “Token” columns to develop a percentage. You can change the values in any column, and the system will recalculate the remaining columns based on the changes.



Property Maintenance

In this example, we will set up a new facility (TX1001 – Wallace Master Meter) and enter a Commingle Permit Number.

Commingle Permit # is entered to activate the Commingle Maint button. When reporting at the property level, remember to uncheck the “Print Permit # on State Reports” for the Commingled property. The check mark will need to be shown on the Allocated Properties not on the Commingle Property.

Note: You may also leave the Print Permit # unchecked if you entered in a temporary or dummy Commingle Permit number.


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The next step is to create the Allocated properties. The properties that belong to the Commingle will need to be added into the system as an “Allocation”. You will notice that since this example is reporting at the property level, the option to “Print Permit # on State Reports” is checked for the Allocated properties.


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Commingled Facility Maintenance

Once the allocation properties have been added, go back to the Commingle Property and click the Commingle Maint button. You will find the Commingle Maint button on the Property Maintenance > Production tab. Add the properties in the Commingle that have an allocation percentage.


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Commingled Facility Maintenance

Cross-Ref by


Click on this button to get a list of all of the allocations a Sub-Account is in.


Sets the number of decimal positions in the allocation.

Factor Title

Token Title

These fields will populate the column headers below.

Oil Property: The Token Title represents “BOPD”, and the Factor Title represents “Days On”.

Gas Property:  The Token Title represents “MCF”, and the Factor Title represents “MMBTU”. 

Effective Date Option:

Fixed (no date): This option is not date sensitive. This is typically used if the percentages to each property do not change.

Exact Match: Date field will appear for you to enter the exact date.  You must have a specific Production Month for the allocation to work.

Latest Set: Will allocate based on this set until a new one is created.

Well Producing Days: (This option only shows on the Allocation property) Works similar to the Exact date; however, it uses the information on the WellTest/Downtime tab to identify the number of days the well produced instead of using the Token Title or Factor Title fields.

View Date

This field is used with the Exact Match, Latest Set Effective Date, and Well Producing Days options.


These are the properties to which the entry will be allocated.  The properties you enter here must already be set up in Property Maintenance as an Allocation Type “Allocation”. The only exception is advanced commingle setup.

Computed Pct

Computer calculated - read only field


(Column Header will reflect what was entered in the Factor Title field above)

These factors work together to calculate the correct amount.

Oil Property:  By entering the number of barrels of oil per day produced by each property in the facility and the number of days each property was active during the month, the system will calculate the correct percentage for all the properties in the facility.

Gas Property:   Enter the MMBTU of each property appropriately, and at the start of each reporting cycle, enter the check meter reading for each property.  The system will then correctly reallocate the total production of the pipeline system, based on both volume and BTU content.


The system corrects for rounding errors, so the sum of the allocated property totals always equals the commingled property totals.

The Import Set within the Utilities button allows you to import your allocations. If the allocation already exists, the Allocation Description, Basis Title, and Token Title will not be required and can be left blank.

The View Date will default to the last reporting month for all options except Fixed (No Date) regardless of the date of the record being viewed.
Example: Today’s date is 12/15/2023, when I go into the Facility Maintenance to view the record it will ask if I want to create a new set as of 11/2022. The middle of the screen will show the date being viewed.

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How they are allocated

Daily Inventory and Sales are entered using the commingled property in Daily Production and Daily Run Ticket. Then, the monthly cycle pulls in the data for that month. Data entered to a Commingled Property Header is allocated during the Start Cycle process.  

Several things happen when the monthly cycle is started. The Beginning of Month (BOM) is rolled forward from the End of Month (EOM) of the previous month for the commingled property and the allocated properties. Production is allocated based on the commingled allocation percentages. The BOM and Production are added together to get the total inventory available for sale. The percentage of each well’s available inventory is used to allocate the sales. The allocation of the sales to each lease is not based on the commingle allocation set up. The EOM is a simple calculation of BOM plus Production less Sales and less Other Dispositions. The commingled property is in Summary Maintenance and identified as a commingle. The allocated wells are identified as allocations.

Then, as previously discussed, the system will reallocate production from Commingled Properties to Allocated Properties (this is also called a recalculation).

Recalculations can be done at any time. A cycle does not need to be in progress to see the reallocated breakout. Using menu item #14 Recalculate Tickets will trigger a recalculation.

Viewing Allocations

Go to Property – Production tab - click on Commingle Maint. From the Commingled Facility Maintenance screen, click on List. Enter in criteria for the properties and allocations you want to view.

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hmtoggle_plus1Multi-Level Commingle Example



hmtoggle_plus1Scenario 1: Commingle facility with one allocation of one product


hmtoggle_plus1Scenario 2: Commingle facility with one allocation for two products


hmtoggle_plus1Scenario 3: Commingle facility with one allocation for oil and two allocations for gas


hmtoggle_plus1Scenario 4: Commingle facility with two allocations for oil and two allocations for gas


hmtoggle_plus1Scenario 5: Multi-Level Commingle with multiple allocations for multiple properties