Property - Price Contract

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Property - Price Contract

Associate price contract with property.  Add adjustments as needed. This is typically used with the Check Stub compare which compares dollars and volumes. Also allows you to see pricing on the Run Ticket.



Property Master – Price Contract        


Enter in specific product codes used for this price contract (First Purchaser codes utilize Oil and Condensate only).

Effective Date

Enter in new Effective Date for each Price Contract.

Price Contract #

Use the drop-down menu to assign a Price Contract for this property. A property can also be attached to a Price Contract thru the Price Contract menu.

Property Adjustment #1

Used in First Purchaser module, the price adjustment is an addition or deduction to the price contract amount.

Property Adjustment #2

Used in First Purchaser module, the price adjustment is an addition or deduction to the price contract amount. (The second price adjustment is calculated after the first price adjustment).

Property Adjustment should

Used in First Purchaser module, this refers to the Price Adjustment amount in Price Contract Maintenance. Select the Add option to add the first and/or second price adjustments to the Price Contract Price Adjustment. Select Replace to use first and/or second price adjustments only.

Adjust For…

Gravity, BS&W, Sulfur

Select Yes to each option if this price contract includes the indicated adjustment. Also see OGP Scales.

Volume Penalty / Termination Date

First Purchaser Only

Authorized To Purchase

First Purchaser Only

Sell Contract #

First Purchaser Only